JAKARTA - The Chinese public and public figures have been boycotting international fashion products such as Adidas, Burberry, Calvin Klein, H&M, Nike and Puma since Thursday, March 25.

This action was carried out as a form of protest over the decisions of these brands to no longer use the cotton produced by Xinjiang following news of forced labor practices there.

In September 2020, fast fashion companies said they would not buy cotton from farmers in Xinjiang because of reports of forced labor. The United States government (US) also made the same statement last December.

There are several brands that have been hit by this criticism. Launching SCMP, H&M products were removed from several e-commerce and physical stores in several cities were immediately closed.

But on the other hand, brands like Adidas and Nike are running normally as usual. Their range of products can also be found on e-commerce despite a lot of criticism from users of e-commerce sites.

Many have asked why the statement announced last year has received the spotlight now. This is because the Communist Party organization, the Communist Youth League, uploaded a post.

"Spreading rumors to boycott Xinjiang cotton, but also want to make money in China? Wish! " they said via social media Weibo on Wednesday morning with a screenshot of the H&M statement.

After that, various local media criticized H&M and defended Xinjiang cotton. One media outlet also shared the reality of the cotton harvesting process in Xinjiang where Uighur farmers work to earn money.

China is one of the countries with the largest market for H&M marketing after the United States and Germany. This Swedish brand makes China its main source of supply.

Celebrity Boycott

H & M's statement earlier encouraged a number of well-known celebrities from China to terminate contracts with other big brands.

Actor and singer Wang Yibo became one of the public figures who declared that his contract with the sports brand Nike ended.

“We reject any rhetoric that stigmatizes our country. The dignity of our country is inviolable. We strictly protect the interests of the motherland, ”read a statement from the Yuehua Entertainment agency regarding Wang Yibo.

In addition, actors Jackson Yee, Xiao Zhan, Zhong Chuxi, Zhu Zheng Ting, Yang Yang, Dilireba, Jackson Wang, Liu Yifei and others also terminated the contract as this news emerged.

In their statement, they were united to prioritize the interests of the state above all else. More than 30 Chinese artists who have terminated contracts with international fashion brands are a form of defending the country.

In addition, a Chinese drama entitled You Are My Hero blurs the Nike logo on the shirt the main star is wearing. Warganet praised the quick response made by public figures who put nationalism more important than commercial. They even call March 25th as Contract Termination Day.

But on the other hand, this action is considered extreme. Launching the Global Times, many videos on social media show people destroying their H&M clothes and Nike shoes. Many are concerned that the boycott of social media will turn into an attack.


Unlike celebrities, the Chinese government does not boycott. There are several fashion brands that are not completely affected by this action. Adidas, for example. It can be found on their e-commerce site.

The sale offer for Nike shoes at the Tmall online store was also sold out and attracted 350 thousand store users. The Chinese Football Association has reportedly criticized Nike's statement but did not terminate its exclusive 10-year contract with the brand.

Initially, only the Nike and H&M brands were in the spotlight. However, now all international fashion brands in China are also boycotted. However, it is not certain whether this boycott will continue or only for a moment.

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