JAKARTA - A lecturer, Ustaz Yahya Waloni, stated that he had accidentally hit a dog. Yahya Waloni was completely blasphemed. Many consider his attitude to discredit Islam. What is the public opinion about Yahya Waloni's attitude? How does Islam actually see dogs?

Yahya Waloni's confession was broadcast on the YouTube Hadits TV account on Saturday, February 13. He appeared to be giving a lecture when he suddenly told me that he had accidentally hit a dog in Kemuning District, which is located on the border between Riau and Jambi.

The atrocity occurred when Yahya Waloni was leaving for the lecture location. He who was driving his own vehicle suddenly saw a dog, which he immediately crashed into a limp. Yahya Waloni reasoned that he had hit the dog because it was unclean.

"I also hit a dog, I don't know whose. He limped his leg. I still brake the goat. But I saw a dog, unclean, I shot the one in front," he said.

Yahya Waloni in the public eye

The public blasphemes Yahya Waloni and his cruelty. Deddy Corbuzier, for example, who posted satirical comments on his Twitter account.

Warganet responded to Deddy's upload with experiments. They type "dog" into a search engine and are busy uploading the results. In fact, as Deddy said, the search results for the word "dog" refer to Yahya Waloni.

Another public figure, Diaz Hendropriyono, joined the wave of criticism. Diaz alludes to the love between fellow beings that Yahya Waloni does not represent. "As AC / DC says, 'you are on the highway to hell,'" wrote Diaz.

More broadly, many other publics also expressed their views. "So which dog was hit or hit by uncle?" write @titiksabit account in Deddy Corbuzier upload.

Other netizens see that what Yahya Waloni has done can actually discredit Islam. They threw various Islamic narrations that describe how Islamic teachings contain a lot of love for fellow living beings.

Islam sees dogs

There are various views on how Islam sees dogs. If we look at the unclean reasons that made Yahya Waloni hit the dog, then we explore this side.

Quoted from NU Online, Wednesday, February 17, the majority of scholars are of the view that all parts of a dog, both its body - if it's wet - and its saliva are unclean. On the other hand, there are schools that give more diverse views.

The Hanafi school, for example, sees only dog saliva as unclean. His body is not. Another Maliki School. This school even held the view that all parts of a dog are sacred.

And the matter of how the Muslim community sees dogs, this is also influenced by the fiqh schools adhered to by scholars in a country. In Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, where the majority of the scholars adhere to the Maliki school of thought, we will find many Muslims raising dogs.

In Indonesia, many scholars adhere to the Syafii school of thought. This has influenced taboo, including when a Muslim community raises dogs. This taboo is usually excluded when Muslims raise dogs for house keepers, shepherds or land guards. In those areas dogs are seen as a violent affair.

Photo illustration (Jason Jarrach / Unsplash)

The author of the book Straightening the Understanding of Jihadi Hadith, Ibnu Kharish alias Ustaz Ahong, explains the illustration of the good character of dogs obtained from Syekh Nawawi Banten in Kasyifatus Saja. The Sharia book describes the character of a dog who is always hungry. This quality reflects godly people.

Second, the nature of a dog who sleeps briefly at night. This behavior reflects Muslims who like to do tahajud. Furthermore, "... if the dog dies, it leaves no valuables for the pups, and this is the praiseworthy character of the ascetic."

"Fifth, the dog always accepts being in a low place, and this includes the character of people who are happy (to Allah's destiny)," wrote Ibn Kharish, quoted by VOI from his Twitter account, @ustadz_ahong, Wednesday, February 17.

Photo illustration (Sasha Sashina / Unsplash)

Another good character of a dog is that it always stares at people who stare at it until that person gives a fist of food. "These are the morals of the poor," continued Ibn Kharish.

Another, "... when pelted with sand, the dog is never angry and envious at the perpetrator. This is the character of people who long for Allah."

"Ninth, when given a fistful of food, the dog eats it and is sufficient for the night. This is the character of people who are qanaah (grateful to be) ... Tenth, when going to a place, the dog is armed. And this is the character of the people. tawakal. "

Regarding the good character of dogs, it is explained that dogs have a submissive nature. Dogs also keep a loyal character in them. "Apart from that, in the saheeh hadith, there is also a story of a prostitute who entered heaven to help a dog who was thirsty."

Then, what about the famous Hadith from Bukhari's history, which states that angels will not enter a house with dogs. Ibn Kharish explained, "According to some scholars, the angel referred to here is the angel carrying revelation, namely Jibril."

"Meanwhile, now the revelation has been cut off because the Prophet Muhammad has died. This means that for now angels can still enter anyone's house with a dog in it. Whatever the breed of dog, pet dog, sniffer dog, guard dog, etc."


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