The implementation of the 17th National Conference of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) in Solo on November 21, 2022, initially went well, even full of laughter during the opening session.

The Minister of Investment and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of BPP HIPMI Bahlil Lahadalia, through his joke during a speech, was able to make the President and a number of ministers, the Chairman of the MPR, the Chair of the DPR, the National Police Chief, the Governor of Central Java, the Mayor of Solo, and all participants.

However, at night, conditions changed drastically. The chaos occurred from just an argument to a physical fight. From the information circulating, it was due to differences of opinion. One party wants the trial to continue, while the other party asks for an immediate delay because it is late at night.

"Last night's incident was caused by a personal misunderstanding between HIPMI participants that occurred outside the plenary meeting. As a result of the participants' fatigue due to the tightness of the National Conference agenda from morning to midnight," said Head of the National Conference Organizing Committee 17 Hipmi, Muhammad Ali Affand to the media crew on November 22, 2022.

As it turned out, on the second day of the HIPMI National Conference, conditions did not change, they continued to heat up. A number of National Conference participants are fighting over interruptions regarding which representatives will be the next chair of the session.

Even though in the end, the trial decided the leader from Central Java. However, participants, from the eastern region, still refused because the decision-making did not refer to the applicable rules and seemed authoritarian.

In the video footage circulating, the screams of the participants who disagreed with the host Central Java to become the head of the trial made the situation heat up. In fact, a number of participants came up to the podium to express their disapproval.

Bahlil, who was also present on the second day, tried to calm the situation, "Friends, can you not be silent. You just have to shut up first, you want to talk."

I ask everyone to calm down. We just discussed the event schedule. Yang Abang wants to ask one, which part of the fellow observers considers the one that is not clear or is detrimental to one of the candidates. I want to ask,fairaja," Bahlil said as quoted from the YouTube video Solo Times.

The atmosphere is still not conducive. Bahlil also looks furious, We want to finish the National Conference or what? If we want to finish the National Conference, please be good. If this continues, I have agreed with the regional heads. If my beloved brothers and sisters from the review, we cannot control it in this way, it is better for us to reduce the number of reviewers."

"Be careful, I came here not alone. I brought the characters here. Who will thwart the National Conference, I will not hesitate to ask the security forces to secure it. I love you, I love you for us to organize together. But not in ways like that, "said Bahlil in a furious tone.

Bahlil then gave the opportunity for regional representatives to express his opinion. Papuan representatives asked all senior HIPMIs to be neutral. It is not permissible to give directions that favor certain candidates. Also, asking the committee to insert the National Conference room from the police.

"This is a HIPMI National Conference, this is not a police election, this is not a police meeting. Please put it in order. There is no way we can mess it up here. To throw a chair, throw a mic, that's a forum dynamic. It's not a crime. Please order the police in this room. You can guard it, but keep it outside, not inside here. Intimidating its name. Intimidating psychology, nothing, "said a Papua representative.

Representatives of Central Kalimantan also asked the chairmen of the session to be consistent. If the rhythm of the trial discusses point by point, continue. Do not jump directly to the determination.

"So, teach us these younger siblings to learn consistency, so that later the chairperson of the trial is considered neutral," he said.

Meanwhile, Maluku representatives are more asking to evaluate the performance of the producing committee. Because, until the trial, Maluku has not received a draft trial containing the direction of the HIPMI organization for the next three years.

Regarding the doubts of the regional representatives, Bahlil ensured that theteering commitment and all seniors were neutral. He guaranteed that with his presence in the trial until the election was over.

Bahlil also agrees that there is no need for security forces to enter. "But, listen, because we have behavior, I asked the officers to secure this place. Everyone is in order to anticipate, rather than continue to be ashamed outside."

"Okay, please continue the chairperson of the trial," Bahlil concluded.

On a separate occasion, Bahlil admitted that he was very disappointed and saddened by the behavior of his juniors at HIPMI. In fact, he said, President Joko Widodo, Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo, Head of LKPP Hendrar Prihadi, and several ministers who are also HIPMI alumni were also disappointed.

Bahlil requested that HIPMI's colleagues set a good example in organization so that they could set a positive example for young people.

"If this continues, what do the younger generation say? Should you be a leader first to get into this organization?" said Bahlil.

However, HIPMI is an intellectual organization that should have more dignity, ethics, and morality. They are the ones who will continue the next leadership stick. It is on their shoulders that the prosperity and welfare of this nation is at stake.

Quoting Prof. Dr. Subroto in his book "Indonesia is inspired," the candidate leader must be aware of the basic values that must be possessed. Namely, not prioritizing competition, but cooperation. Not prioritizing muscle strength and power, but prioritizing deliberation for consensus for good. Not self-winning, but increasing associations.

"Without having to state the name Pancasila, all of this has been practiced by Pancasila. It is no longer just verbal activity, but has been added to awareness and has resulted in practice," said Subroto.

There are three candidates in the election for the general chairman of the BPP HIPMI, namely Akbar Himawan Buchari (a company in the property and logistics sector), Bagas Adhadirugha (a businessman in general aviation and airport), and Anggawira (a coal entrepreneur).

Akbar Buchari was finally elected as Chairman of HIPMI 2022-2025. He won 92 votes, ahead of Bagas Adhadha with 68 votes in the two-round election.

In the first round, Bagas won with 71 votes, while Akbar got 57 votes and Anggawira had 47 votes. Because none of the candidate chairmen got 85 votes out of a total of 170 voters, or 50 percent plus 1, the second round was held which was only followed by Akbar and Bagas as the two candidates with the most votes.

In the second round of the election for the Chairperson of HIPMI there were 165 valid votes, because a number of ballots were damaged and invalid. Of that number, as many as five votes were declared abstentionful and invalid.

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