JAKARTA The COVID-19 pandemic has not subsided, the world economy is getting more fragile, geopolitical conditions continue to struggle, and global governance is very inadequate. The world economy is at risk of a recession. All countries are experiencing difficult times, especially developing countries.

Thus, all G20 members have taken the role and responsibility to jointly make improvements for the welfare of all human beings and advance the world.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said that in his speech at the G20 Bali Summit, Tuesday (15/11). "We have to make global development more inclusive. Solidarity is power, but division will not have a good impact."

We must stand together in the face of risks and challenges. Drawing ideological lines or promoting group politics and block confrontation will only divide the world, and hinder global development and human progress," Xi Jinping stressed.

Development becomes real only when all countries can develop together. Prosperity and stability are impossible if only running in a direction, the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.

Every nation longs for a better life, and modernization is not a privilege that one country has. Pioneers in development must sincerely help others develop, and provide more benefits.

All big countries must carry out their responsibilities, and do their best for global development goals. All countries must respect each other, respect differences, live together in peace, and promote an open world economy," he said.

Food and energy security is the most pressing challenge in global development. According to Jinping, the root causes of the ongoing crisis are not production or demand, but supply chains and cut international cooperation.

The solution is for all countries, with the coordination of the United Nations and other multilateral international organizations, increasing market oversight and regulation cooperation, building commodity partnerships, developing open, stable and sustainable commodity markets, and working together to unblock supply chains and stabilize market prices.

We must firmly oppose efforts to politicize food and energy issues or use them as tools and weapons. One-sided sanctions must be removed, and restrictions on relevant scientific and technological cooperation must be lifted. In reducing the energy consumption of fossil fuels and switching to clean energy, we need to consider various factors in a balanced manner, and ensure that the transition process does not harm the economy or the livelihoods of the community," Jinping explained.

China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, remain committed to deepening reform and openness, and remain committed to promoting national rejuvenation across all lines through China's path to modernization.

China's move towards modernization will bring more opportunities to the world, inject stronger momentum for international cooperation, and make a greater contribution to the progress of mankind, "added Jinping.

In line with US President Joe Biden, the G20 has become an important forum as the world's largest economic group to work together for the sake of human benefit. America, according to Biden, continues to strive to unite the coalition of partners as widely as possible through various meetings.

As in COP27 in Egypt, the US-ASEAN Summit, and the East Asian Summit which were held some time ago.

"We will continue to work with partners to support the countries that are most vulnerable in building resilience," said Biden during a press conference in Bali, Tuesday (15/11).

Also included in the G20 Bali Summit. Biden's meeting with Jinping is one of them. A good first step to creating world peace.

We had an open and honest conversation about our intentions and priorities. He (Xi Jinping) is clear and I'm clear. We will defend American interests and values, promote universal human rights, and defend the international order, and cooperate with our allies and partners," Biden said.

America and China have also agreed that the use of nuclear weapons is intolerable.

"We will compete with enthusiasm. But I am not looking for conflict, I want to manage this competition responsibly," added Biden.

Likewise, regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, America, Biden said, we remain firm in defending Ukraine. We will continue to provide the ability for the Ukrainian people to defend themselves."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a video speech at the G20 Bali summit asked the 19 G20 members to support peace efforts. It is time for the war to stop and can only be carried out if Russia withdraws its troops from Russia.

"I believe now is the time for Russia's destructive war to be and can be stopped. This will save thousands of lives," Zelensky said, Tuesday (15/11).

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavroy stressed Russia was ready to negotiate the matter. The United States has also suggested, but it was Kiev who refused.

"We have repeatedly emphasized through our president that we do not refuse to negotiate. If anyone refuses to negotiate, it is Ukraine. The longer the Kiev regime continues to refuse, the harder it will be to reach an agreement," he clarified after the Bali G20 Summit, Tuesday (15/11).

Moscow has recorded reports citing anonymous sources, including rumors that the US government is telling Zelensky to be more cooperative.

"Then, it will be clarified immediately that this is not actually for the purpose of actually behaving constructively, but to address objections from parts of the Western world that are starting to doubt the need for additional supplies of weapons," the minister stressed.

When opening the G20 Bali Summit, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also emphasized that the collaborative paradigm is needed to save the world. All have a responsibility, not only for their respective citizens, but also for the world community.

Being responsible here also means we have to end the war. If war doesn't end, it will be difficult for the world to move forward. If war doesn't end, it will be difficult for us to be responsible for the future of the present generation and future generations. We shouldn't divide the world into parts. We shouldn't let the world fall into a cold war anymore," added Jokowi.

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