JAKARTA - Last November 10, Muhammad Rizieq Shihab (MRS) arrived in Indonesia. 30 days passed. During that time, there were so many incidents in the country, from when Rizieq created a crowd until he was named a suspect for violating health protocols (prokes).

Tens of thousands of people poured out on the streets and sat on the airport grounds to meet the patron. The praises and shouts of takbir were airborne without stopping, accompanying the speed of the car carrying the Leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) to his residence on Jalan Petamburan III, Central Jakarta.

At the MRS residence, thousands of people were waiting for him. Even though he was scheduled to arrive in Jakarta at around 09.00 WIB, the crowd had packed Rizieq's house since 08.00 WIB.

The roads around Rizieq's house such as Jalan KS Tubun are congested and cannot be passed by vehicles. This is because many residents parked their vehicles along the road until they approached Jalan Petamburan III.

Rizieq Shihab upon arrival in Petamburan, Central Jakarta (Diah Ayu / VOI)

The welcoming celebration was not without impact. Starting from the damage to a number of public facilities at Terminal 3 of Soekarno-Hatta Airport, to many prospective airplane passengers whose trips are delayed.

Representing FPI, Chairperson of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), Slamet Ma'arif apologized to residents who were disturbed and felt aggrieved by the process of Rizieq Shihab's return. the people pick up Rizieq Shihab, maybe it was late to the airport, "he said.

Slamet admitted that he did not expect so many people who came to pick up Rizieq. However, the fact is that it did happen.

"Once again, I apologize physically and spiritually. This is unexpected because this is the calling of the people who really miss our high priest," said Slamet.

Create a crowd

After just three days back, MRS has carried out its agenda. On November 13, he attended the Mawlid Nabi event at the Al Afaf Taklim Council held by Al Habib Ali bin Abdurrahman Assegaf in the Tebet area, South Jakarta.

At the event, it was seen that many participants did not run the prokes, such as not wearing masks and not maintaining their distance. Rizieq, who was originally wearing a mask, took off his mask every now and then.

As if they were never tired, the next day MRS held a celebration, namely marrying off their son Syarifah Najwa Shihab to Muhammad Irfan Alaydrus. This wedding was held at Rizieq Shihab's residence, Petamburan Street, Central Jakarta and the spotlight arose because health protocols were not followed there.

From VOI's monitoring through Front TV, during the event, there was no one meter minimum distance according to the health protocol to prevent COVID-19. Apart from that, the committee also did not provide a marker of which places could be occupied and which were not.

The celebration was in the public spotlight. In addition to causing crowds and being deemed to have violated the prokes, because of this event the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government gave a warning and imposed a sanction of IDR 50 million. In fact, because of MRS 'actions, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was summoned by the police. In addition, Kapolda Metro Jaya and Kapolda West Java were removed from their positions because they were considered negligent in enforcing the prokes.

A week later, a series of events attended and organized by MRS resulted in the emergence of a new COVID-19 cluster. As many as 80 people in the Rizieq Shihab crowd of activities in the Petamburan and Tebet areas of Jakarta, tested positive for COVID-19.

Acting Director General of Disease Prevention and Control at the Ministry of Health, Budi Hidayat, said that the results of the PCR test conducted by the Ministry of Health contained 50 positive cases of COVID-19 in Tebet and 30 cases in Petamburan in the crowd.

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Screenshot of Rizieq Shihab's daughter's marriage ceremony broadcast on Front TV's YouTube channel
Several times to be absent

After running her agenda for days, MRS fell ill. On November 26, he was known to have started being treated at the UMMI Hospital in Bogor City, West Java.

According to the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, even though he was being treated, MRS's health condition was fine. However, Rizieq still has to carry out observations, said Bima.

Even though he is lying in the hospital, Rizieq is still reluctant to undergo a swab test or a COVID-19 swab test. Even though he has been in a crowd several times, since his return from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This has become a new problem for him, apart from breaking the process by creating a crowd.

In the midst of the polemic of the swab test that MRS was reluctant to do, he then left the UMMI Hospital on Saturday, November 29. At that time, it was rumored that he was going out through the back door.

The polemic for the COVID-19 test has not yet been completed, now MRS is dealing with other problems. The day after he was discharged from the hospital, an invitation to attend the investigation by Polda Metro Jaya investigators came to him on December 1. However, he was absent from the summons because of his condition, which still needed rest after rising from illness.

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Starting to heat up

Since the police summons were issued, the whereabouts of the MRS have been kept secret. There was information from FPI's lawyer, Ichwan Tuankotta, that MRS was at his daughter's house in Sentul, Bogor.

The police then scheduled a second questioning for Thursday, December 3. The day before the summons, Petamburan heated up. The police who were about to give a summons to the MRS were intercepted by the FPI Laskar. Had a quarrel, but finally the letter was successfully delivered to MRS.

After the summons were obtained, MRS announced an apology to the entire community regarding the health process issue. He made that statement when he held a 212 reunion event which was held virtually in an event entitled National Dialogue of 100 Ulama and Figures.

"I apologize to the whole community if in the crowd at the airport, in Petamburan, in Tebet, in Megamendung there is a buildup which is out of control because of enthusiasm," said Rizeq at the event.

Long story short, the police finally scheduled the MRS summons for December 7th. This examination is related to a case of alleged violation of the prokes at the wedding of his daughter, Najwa Shihab.

Apart from the investigation schedule, the police also highlighted the mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab who claimed to be guarding the investigation by participating in the Polda Metro Jaya.

"We have said that from the first summons it is the same. It is enough to be accompanied by a lawyer. Anyone who comes here with a crowd will be firmly taken," said Yusri.

The day of the summons came. On the same day as the scheduled MRS examination, an unfortunate incident occurred. Six special Laskar supporters of Rizieq Shihab were shot dead by the police.

Press conference of the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran about the shoot-to-death action against the special laskar Rizieq Shihab who carried out the attack (Rizky Adytia / VOI)

There are two versions of how the chronology of events took place. The police version explained that the reason they shot the FPI Laskar was because they attacked the police with pistols and sharp weapons. Meanwhile, the FPI version said that the troops were killed because the people they said were unknown figures tried to endanger the family procession of the priest.

On this day, three days after the incident occurred, MRS was later named a suspect by Polda Metro Jaya. Coinciding with 30 days of his return from Saudi Arabia, he was named a suspect in connection with the alleged violation of the prokes.

"There are 6 who have been named as suspects. First the organizer is MRS 'brother (Rizieq Shihab)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, December 10.

The other five suspects are the Chairperson of the Marriage Contract Committee with the initials HU, the Secretary of the Marriage Contract Committee with the initials A, the Person in Charge of the Security Sector with the initials MS, the Person in Charge for the Marriage Ceremony with the initials SL, and the Head of the Marriage Agreement Program Section with the initials HI. Especially for Rizieq, the police applied Articles 160 and 216 of the Criminal Code.

Article 160 of the Criminal Code contains incitement to committing violence and not complying with the provisions of the law, with the threat of six years in prison or a fine of Rp. 4,500. Meanwhile, Article 216 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning Obstacles to Legal Provisions. The threat is imprisonment for four months and two weeks or a fine of Rp. 9,000.

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