JAKARTA - The pressure for Mochamad Iriawan or Iwan Bule to step down from his position as PSSI General Chair is getting stronger, especially on Twitter. The People's Journalists Association made a petition on change.org, the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, urging the General Chairperson and PSSI Management to resign. As of Wednesday (12/10) at 23.47 WIB, 28,203 people have signed the petition.
"We also ask the General Chair and all administrators of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to resign from their positions, as a form of respect and respect for the victims of the Kanjuruhan Stadium riot tragedy, Malang and for the improvement of football as a whole," wrote the Association of People's Journalists.
The tragedy of the Kanjuruhan Stadium became a slap in the face and indicated that national football players had to be addressed. All interested parties must sit at the same table looking for solutions to make Indonesian football more advanced and developing, and stop looking for prestige and political aspects, especially after this tragedy.

Football observer Tommy Welly also believes that Iwan Bule should resign from his position as PSSI General Chair.
"In fact, not only Iwan Bule, PSSI's Exco ranks must also step down as a form of moral and ethical responsibility," said Tommy.
However, the Arema FC vs Persebaya Surabaya match on October 1, 2022 is an official match, not a wild football match.
“It is not enough just to punish the Panpel, there must be more accountability. This is not an ordinary case," Tommy told VOI some time ago.
Shin Tae-yong's threat
If Iwan Bule had to resign, then Shin Tae-yong also threatened to resign from his position as coach of the Indonesian national team. According to him, Iwan Bule is a figure who really loves football with all his heart. He continues to provide support so that Indonesian football can develop further.
"If the PSSI General Chairperson has to take responsibility for everything that happened and resign, then I must resign," said Shin Tae-yong on his Instagram account on Wednesday (12/10).
Football in Shin's philosophy, is as a team. Football is not an individual sport. You can't win with just one good person. It can't be successful if only 11 players have good performance.
Success can be obtained when all elements in football become one team, starting from the core players, reserve players, coaching staff, officials, all federation employees including the general chairman.
"I and the Indonesian people can develop Indonesian football together after I come to Indonesia in 2020. This is an achievement or result made by the players, fans and the General Chair of PSSI who chose me," he continued.

It would be a shame, if all the responsibilities were transferred to the PSSI General Chair. According to Shin, Iwan Bule has developed Indonesian football as a whole. Surely can also handle this situation well.
"I will also try harder to make Indonesian football more advanced. In closing, I would like to say once again that I want to give full support to the victims, their families and the entire Indonesian people.”
Indonesian national team defender Asnawi Mangkualam agrees, "This is true, Mr. Iwan Bule is still the best."
Other national team players such as Egy Maulana Vikri and Fachruddin Aryanto expressed support with folded hands and heart emojis. Likewise Elkan Baggot with praying hands and heart emojis.
While Nova Arianto, assistant coach Shin Tae-Yong saluted. He wrote, "Respect coach and never get tired of building Indonesian football in a better direction."
Director Fajar Nugros instead invited Shin Tae-Yong to step down. “Please, please step back!”
Various Comments
According to @iqbaaal.k, there is still a lot of homework to do to advance the league competition in Indonesia. At least, the existence of a tiered regular competition which is regularly held every year is the first step to develop Indonesian football even better.
Thus, he argues that no one should resign in the LIB or PSSI.
"I agree 100% that if the competition is still running at 20.00 (maximum) whether it's a high risk match or not, there must be a mutually beneficial cooperation between the television and the federation that affects clubs and players equally," he commented.
Instead, what should be done is counseling the mental revolution of human resources in Indonesia. Thoughts and attitudes wrapped in blind fanaticism are what destroy Indonesian football.
"Today is a moment for revolution, but the revolution in question is a change in the mindset of HR itself, don't say fanatic if the CLUB is still fined to pay for the losses caused by the club's supporters themselves," continued @iqbaaal.k.
Back to the definition of a supporter, it comes from 'support' or supports. Don't just want to win, but accompany those in a slump and help get up. Don't just demand but give a constructive message.

"SUPPORTERS are a reflection of how football has progressed or not!!!"
Meanwhile, @arieramadhanpr focuses on the role of the PSSI executive committee (Exco). He suspected that Shin would find it more difficult to adapt if there was a change at the helm of PSSI. Not to mention the difference in vision and mission that will be carried out by Iwan Bule's replacement later in line with Shin or not.
"Although Mr. Iwan Bule has never been in the world of football, he continues to try to improve our football, and he even becomes a shield for some people. Besides that, although he sometimes likes to stand out when there is something positive about football, we seem hungry for recognition, but it's still natural," he said.
It is precisely the Excos who have to leave, who only join in looking for food but have no more contribution. Replace with young people who have integrity, knowledge, and a high fighting spirit to advance Indonesian football.
"If that's all, even though FIFA will try to help, the result will be BIG ZERO," said @arieramadhanpr.
@sijupri31 also judged Shin Tae-yong's statement to be correct. According to him, the Kanjuruhan tragedy was not entirely the fault of the PSSI chairman. The biggest mistake was the order to fire tear gas.
"Apart from that, STY's (Shin Tae-yong) relationship with Ketum PSSI is already good friends. I started to like the national team after being coached by STY. So STY must stay. And the chairman of PSSI is good for introspection, why do many people dislike the chairman of PSSI," he added.
Short Answer
Regarding the pressure to withdraw from the community, Iwan Bule only responded lightly. Everyone can have an opinion.
"If I want to get rid of my responsibilities in Jakarta, I call it visiting, waiting for members like that. I'm in Malang until it's finished," he told the media crew in Malang.
The PSSI Referee Committee Ahmad Riyadh also assessed that the public had the right to give criticism. However, whether or not Iwan Bule will continue as the chairman of PSSI, the PSSI congress has the right to decide.
"The form of responsibility does not have to go back, it can be proven by changing PSSI for the better," Ahmad told reporters at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Central Jakarta (Jakpus), Tuesday (11/10).
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