JAKARTA - The barrier wall of MTsN 19 Jakarta, located in Pondok Labu, Cilandak, South Jakarta, collapsed, resulting in the death of 3 dozens of years old children. Construction of the wall was no longer able to withstand the overflow of the flood.

The incident occurred on Thursday (6/10). The rain was getting heavier, the flow of water coming from the Pinang Kalijati connecting channel and the river flow behind the school was also getting stronger. The water leading to MTsN 19 which is located, said Cilandak sub-district head Djajuddin, is indeed in the basin.

Inside the school, the water level was as high as an adult's knee. Some of the children, who initially only played in the rain, began to shift to the left corner of the field. The children's salaries, they are happy with the condition, can be used as a place to play and swim.

Sri Yatini, the driver of MTsN 19 who was standing in the corner of the school, continued to monitor their activities. When she started swimming, Sri immediately reprimanded everyone to return to school.

Not only Sri, but several teachers and employees also forbade it. "Once the picket teacher says 'children don't swim', I then go to the TU (Business Order) room to secure goods so they don't get submerged in water."

Shortly after entering the room, suddenly like a flood hit the glass until it broke. The teachers who were at the location were also surprised while shouting takbir.

My trauma, the sound of cracks in the glass was like an earthquake, until we said 'Allahuakbar'. We were pushed by water. I don't know yet that the wall collapsed," said the middle-aged woman.

Outside the school, the children who were playing in the rain also started to get hysterical. After leaving the room through the window, Sri was even more surprised to see the guard wall where the children were playing collapsed. It happened around 14.50 WIB.

The incident resulted in the death of 3 children. Dicka Safa Ghirari (13) has been buried at the Johar TPU, Muh. Adnan Efendi (13) was buried at the Cilandak TPU, and Dendis Al Latif (13) was buried at the Kampung Kandang TPU.

Meanwhile, three children were injured, namely: Adisya Daffa Allutfi (13), Nabila Ika Fatimah (15), and Nirjirah Desnauli (14). The three had received treatment at Prikasih Hospital, Pondok Labu.

"The full hospital financing is borne by the Ministry of Religion," said Head of the South Jakarta Ministry of Religion Nur Pwaidudin, Thursday (6/10).

Then on Friday (7/10), according to Spokesperson for MTsN 19 Gozali, the three have returned home.

Currently, teaching and learning activities at MTsN 19 are still temporarily suspended. The school, said Gozali, is still inventory teaching equipment first. At the same time, giving students time to trauma healing.

"However, as soon as possible we will start again," said Gojali, Friday (7/10).

Later, learning activities can be carried out with two schemes. Online or riding a location to the nearest school, for example to MTsN 11.

Or applied both. Some are online, some face-to-face, Gojali continued.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has also confirmed that he will coordinate with the nearest schools to assist in the teaching and learning process.

"Our learning place will coordinate with the nearest madrasa. I asked the closest Director General, MAN 11. We will try to talk about the technical arrangements with MAN 11," said Yaqut when visiting MTsN 19 Pondok Labu, Friday (7/10).

Responding to the incident, the Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Retno Listyarti appealed to educational institutions to have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) related to disaster management during study hours.

For example, a flood disaster. If the school is more than 1 floor, the children must be evacuated to a higher floor. No one is allowed on the 1st floor, especially in the school yard to play in the rain because it is a risk to safety. There could be lightning, water being dragged, or hit by school walls like this incident," he said in a written statement received by VOI, Friday (7/10).

Even that SOP is not just a rule. Must be regularly trained to school residents so that when a disaster occurs, everything is orderly directed to evacuation routes for rescue.

Retno appreciated the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the DKI Fire Department for moving quickly to evacuate flood victims. He also encouraged the Department of Women's Empowerment for Child Protection (PPPA) to help psychological assessments of survivors.

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas admitted that he had ordered his staff to renovate the total MTsN 19 Pondok Labu. The design must be more detailed because the position of the school is in the basin.

"There is no other choice, it must be renovated," said Yaqut.

Today we ask all ranks to start the process. It can no longer be postponed. Unfortunately, children can also go to school in peace as soon as possible," Yaqut added.

Yaqut will also coordinate so that the DKI Provincial Government wants to release some of its land for school construction. This is because the position of land owned by the provincial government is considered to be slightly more than the current position of MTsN land.

"But technically we still have to improve the discussion," he said.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan also admitted that he had communicated with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion to facilitate students so that they could undergo the teaching and learning process as usual.

The Ministry of Religion is ready. The DKI Provincial Government is ready to support it. What we can support from the provincial government side to be able to rebuild," said Anies after visiting one of the victims, Thursday (6/10).

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