JAKARTA - “Help Share or Mention related parties. Cats Found Dead in Shooting, Location at Sesko TNI Martanegara Bandung. Anybody know? Who did this, how dare Cats be shot like this… This afternoon, August 16, 2022.”
The caption of the 58-second video uploaded by the Instagram account of the abandoned cat and dog shelter on August 16, 2016 captured the public's attention. The video shows the carcasses of cats with gunshot wounds.
Not only one video, the account also continued to upload follow-up videos the next day showing gunshot wounds. In total, six cats were shot, two of which survived with gunshot wounds to the eye through the mouth.
“Currently taken to @amoreanimalclinic. For X-ray handling and surgery," he wrote on August 17, 2022.
The Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil through his personal Instagram account on August 16, 2022 immediately responded, "@rumahsinggahclow I'll search first, min. Thank you."
Likewise, the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa. He immediately ordered his staff to investigate the alleged mistreatment of several cats in the Sesko TNI environment, Bandung, as mentioned in the account.
Based on the results of the investigation, the perpetrator turned out to be an organic member of the Sesko TNI with the rank of brigadier general with the initials NA. In full, Brigadier General (Mar) Nuri Andrianis Djatmika.
"Justify that Brigadier General TNI NA (a member of the TNI Sesko) shot several cats using a personal air rifle on Tuesday afternoon (August 16, 2022), at around 13:00," said Head of the TNI Information Center Major General TNI Prantara Santosa in a statement. written on Thursday (18/8).
According to Major General Prantara, Brigadier General TNI NA did that not out of hatred for cats. Rather, it is to maintain cleanliness and comfort in the living and dining area of the Sesko TNI Student Officers from the large number of stray cats.
Nevertheless, the TNI Legal Team will continue to follow up the legal process of Brigadier General NA, especially regarding Article 66 of Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health and Article 66A, Article 91B of Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 18 of 2009 concerning Livestock and Animal Husbandry. Animal Health.
“Bravo TNI, has given extraordinary attention to the case of the shooting of cats at Sesko TNI, Martanegara, Bandung. The perpetrator's initials have been published by Brigadier General NA, who carried out the shooting. Thank you, sir, @jenderaltniandikaperkasa, sir, @rizky_irmansyah, sir, @ridwankamil, for providing support," wrote the shelter account, Thursday (18/8).
Happens OftenCases of killing and torture of animals in Indonesia are common. Remember the cat slaughter case in Medan that went viral last year? What was done by a cat butcher with the initials RS.
RS takes roaming cats to sell their meat. His actions were discovered after a resident named Sonia looked for his pet cat, it turned out that only his head was found in a sack along with several other cat heads.
Sonia had uploaded her story on her personal Instagram account. RS was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison by the Medan District Court for the theft case on August 31, 2021.
"I hope that Tayo's death is not in vain, and I hope that there will be no more victims like Tayo in the future. Tayo will not be replaced in his place, he has made his own position in my heart, I hope to meet Tayo again wherever it is. Thank you, police, who really intend to help this case, I still don't think that @polsekmedan_area seniat is for this case, you really sincerely say thank you, sorry if I've bothered a lot," wrote Sonia on her Instagram account on February 3, 2021.
Then, in October 2019 there was also a viral video of a young man giving liquid to a Persian cat. The video caption states that the liquid given is ciu type liquor.
The video recorder is Azam, a resident of Dukuh Village, Tulungagung. Azam also recorded the seconds of the cat's death after being given fluids. The panel of judges at the Tulungagung District Court sentenced Azam to 3 months in prison.
The number of acts of killing and abuse of animals is what makes the Asia for Animals Coalition call Indonesia the number one country in the world that uploads the most animal cruelty content on social media.
The Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC) Report 2021 report states that out of 5,480 videos of animal abuse from around the world uploaded on social media, 1626 of them or around 29.67 percent occurred in Indonesia.
The Criminal Code for Animal Torture is ClearLaw practitioner from the University of Mataram, Farizal said the rules for perpetrators of killing and torturing animals are very clear, both in general and specifically.
In general, it is contained in Article 302 of the Criminal Code which states that if the act causes the animal to be sick for more than one week, seriously injured, disabled, to death, the threat of punishment is up to nine months in prison.
If the animals being mistreated belong to a person, the perpetrator can also be charged with Article 406 paragraph (2) from murder to the disappearance of animals belonging to another person, which carries a penalty of two years and eight months in prison.
"This is like what happened in the case in Medan," he told VOI, Friday (19/8).
Then, it is specifically contained in Law Number 18 of 2009 and its amendments to Law Number 41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Health.
Nevertheless, one of the principles in the legislation is lex specialist derogat lex generalis, meaning that special laws override general laws.
“So, in the case of Brigadier General NA, what is used is Article 66 of Law Number 18 of 2009 which states that animals must be treated humanely. Violation of Article 66 paragraph 1 can be punished with imprisonment of 1 month to 6 months and a fine of at least Rp.
In addition to these regulations, added Farizal, Brigadier General NA could also be subject to violations of the TNI soldier's code of ethics based on the 7 oaths of soldiers. "That can also be used as a member of the TNI, can this act be a good example for the community?"
Although the rules are clear, said Legal Practitioner from UGM, Masykur Isnan, cases of animal killing and torture are sometimes underestimated. The penalties imposed are also very minimal. Does not create a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. Do not be surprised if cases of murder and animal abuse are still common.
"This must be a common concern. The punishment imposed is ineffective. Yes, there are definitely more cases of animal abuse," said Masykur to VOI, Friday (19/8).
Have a History of ViolenceA number of studies show that perpetrators of animal killings and torture generally have a history of violence against humans. Either in the household or in the environment.
According to research by the non-profit organization Humane Society based in the United States, 88 percent of cases of animal abuse occur in households with a history of violence against children. In general, perpetrators of domestic violence will do the same to animals. This is recognized by 71 percent of victims.
Other research also mentions that a number of serial killers and brutal also have a history of animal abuse. Like the case of Gary Leon Ridgway, one of the most famous serial killers and rapists in the United States in the 90s. As a child, he had the experience of strangling a cat. In court, Gary is said to have killed 49 people in the US.
Also the case of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in 1999, the two teenagers responsible for the shooting at Columbine High School, which killed 13 people. Both are known to often boast stories about mutilating animals to their friends.
Launching from the BBC, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in recent years even made cases of animal abuse to predict murder cases.
In Indonesia, the perpetrator of the murder of a toddler whose body was stored in a cupboard in 2020 is also reported to have a history of being an animal torturer. Apart from being a victim of sexual violence. A teenager with the initials NS once threw a cat from the second floor, burned frogs and a lizard's head.
"The animal torturers generally experience mental disorders which he will target later. From animals to people or humans who don't fight back. Toddlers, seniors, they will be their targets," said Animal Defender Indonesia founder Doni Herdaru Tona as reported by from the BBC.
Thomas, an animal lover and owner of a pet shop in Kelapa Gading, also admits that many people still think that animal protection is trivial. They just love to care for but sometimes get tired of caring for them.
“So, it is not uncommon for animal neglect to occur. It happened a lot. Forgetting to feed eventually dies. This also includes persecution, which is not good. If you really want to take care of animals, you have to be consistent, don't let them roam around to disturb your neighbors," said Thomas.
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