JAKARTA - Former PDI-P legislative candidate Harun Masiku who became a bribe to Deputy Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan regarding the interim replacement (PAW) of members of the Indonesian Parliament, is still at large since the beginning of the year until now.

As of now, Harun has been a fugitive from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for 300 days and it is still unclear where his whereabouts.

This case originated from the hand-catching operation (OTT) that took place on January 8. During the silent operation a number of people were arrested including the bribe recipient, Wahyu Setiawan and his confidant who is a member of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Agustiani Tio Fridelina. Meanwhile, the bribe giver was reported to have gone abroad since before the OTT was held, or more precisely two days, namely on January 6, he went to Singapore.

Later, there was confusion that said Harun had returned to Indonesia on January 7 and was confirmed by the Directorate General of Immigration. The system error is the reason why he is not detected to have returned to the Motherland.

Since then, this Wahyu bribe has disappeared under the earth and has made the KPK in the spotlight because until now they have not been able to arrest him.

The institution that most often focuses on Harun Masiku's still fugitive is the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). Most recently, through his written statement, ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said that it had been 300 days that the former PDIP candidate had fled and his whereabouts were unknown. This 300-day count began when Harun was included in the wanted list (DPO) on 17 January.

"It's been 300 days that this former PDIP legislative candidate has disappeared as if swallowed up by the earth," said Kurnia in a written statement quoted by VOI on Saturday, November 14.

Because of this failure, Kurnia said, the Chairman of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period Firli Bahuri was unable to lead the institution. Kurnia said, the Corruption Eradication Commission became an institution that criminals no longer respected.

So, ICW then urged the KPK to dissolve the team tasked with looking for Harun. Moreover, this team was unable to find Harun for up to 300 days.

"Immediately disband the task force team given the mandate to search for Harun Masiku. In addition, the KPK leadership must also evaluate the performance of the Deputy for Enforcement because basically the task force team is under the supervision of the person concerned," said Kurnia who also previously asked the Harun Masiku search team. should be replaced with a search team for former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi, led by Novel Baswedan.

The KPK pretext related to the search for Harun Masiku

Since the beginning, the former PDIP candidate escaped, the KPK always said that their task force team had conducted a search. At least, if traced from several statements from the head of this anti-graft agency, the task force to search for Harun Masiku has searched for his fugitive in several places including his wife's house in Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, although the results are zero.

The pursuit, said the KPK, also continues. KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata said that Harun's arrest was actually a matter of time. Until now, this statement is still in doubt because there is no sign that this anti-graft agency will arrest their fugitive in the PAW case for members of the Indonesian Parliament.

Deputy for Corruption Eradication of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Karyoto, who kept being asked when the briber of Wahyu Setiawan was arrested, also only answered that finding fugitives could not be done quickly because they were always moving to prevent being tracked by the KPK.

"We know that there are many DPOs. Even Joko Tjandra has been looking for years from 2009," said Karyoto some time ago.

Even so, Karyoto believes that his party will be able to arrest Harun and other fugitives who are still in pursuit of the KPK. Provided, this fugitive is in the country and in good health. "If it is still in Indonesia and can still live, it can be found immediately," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the pressure for the KPK to evaluate the task force team to find Harun Masiku, Acting KPK spokesperson Ali Fikri has also answered some time ago. He said, this team had indeed carried out an evaluation, although he did not mention the results. After this evaluation is carried out, it is hoped that the team in charge of pursuing Harun will be more optimal in working.

Meanwhile, regarding the change in the task force team, he said that this might not be done. This is because each of these teams has their respective roles, including to pursue those who are included in the DPO.

"The task and duty of the task force include collecting evidence and filing the case. Including, of course, if the suspect is named DPO," said Ali.

Thus, ICW's wish for the Harun Masiku search team to be replaced by another team seems to be far from being burned. Because, Ali ensured that the team appointed to solve this case would continue to work.

"So it is the responsibility of the task force which has been appointed from the start to complete the file to find the DPO in question," he concluded.

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