JAKARTA - The proposed Draft Bill (RUU) on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks which was discussed at the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI is in the public spotlight.

Member of the DPR RI Baleg from the United Development Party (PPP) faction, Illliza Sa'aduddin Jamal, said the bill was proposed to protect the public from drinking alcoholic beverages.

"This bill aims to protect society from negative impacts, create order and peace in society from alcoholic drinkers. This bill is also intended to raise public awareness about the dangers of alcoholic beverages," said Illiza as quoted from his written statement, Thursday, November 12.

He explained that there are several points on the proposed prohibition of alcoholic drinks. Among other things, the prohibition on Muslims and other religions from producing, importing, storing, distributing and / or selling, as well as consuming class A, B and C drinks, traditional alcoholic drinks, and mixed and concocted alcoholic drinks.

As proposer, Illiza said, the draft law will still maintain the plurality of society because there will be exceptions in its implementation.

"The prohibition of consuming alcoholic beverages is exempted for limited interests such as customary interests, religious rituals, tourism, pharmacy and places permitted by statutory regulations," he said.

Illiza said that this prohibition was needed because alcoholic drinks had not been specifically regulated in the form of legislation but were only included in the Criminal Code with a general article and was not explicitly stated in it. Thus, the discussion of the draft law on prohibition of alcoholic beverages should be continued and passed for the benefit of future generations.

Based on a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the global status of alcohol and health in 2018, it is emphasized that drinking is dangerous for various health problems for the body, social problems, and is the cause of traffic accidents, which are among the seven highest causes of death in the world.

"In addition, research also proves that there is no safe level for every alcohol user. Health risks increase in line with the amount of alcohol consumed," he said.

Pushed out of Prolegnas

Meanwhile, a member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) DPR RI from the Golkar Party faction, Firman Soebagyo, actually requested that the Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks be removed from the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). It's not just the Minol Prohibition Bill, the same demand has emerged for the Family Resilience Bill.

"The government is still concerned about it? If not, then it is better if these two laws are issued and we replace them with the ones the government is really ready to discuss," said Firman during an evaluation meeting of the Legislation Body at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, yesterday.

He assessed that the DPR RI Baleg needs to sit down with the government to hear the government's views on whether or not these two draft laws should be continued. This needs to be done, so that the two of them don't stop at the DPR RI leadership table during the harmonization process because they are not approved.

Furthermore, with regard to the Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks, Firman also admitted that he did not agree with the title. He said he agreed more with the title suggested by the government, namely the Draft Bill on Alcoholic Drinking Regulations with the reason to maintain diversity in the country. Because there are groups of people who really need alcoholic drinks as a means of worship and various other interests, including tourism.

In addition, he also reminded not to let the Minol Prohibition and Family Resilience Bill then end up like the Tobacco Bill which has been included in the discussion of the Special Committee (Pansus) but until now the government has never sent an inventory list of problems (DIM) of the bill or has responded to it.

"Please really communicate it, confirmed by the government," he concluded.

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