TULUNGAGUNG - All parents in Tulungagung, East Java, finally can breathe freely. This is because there is no longer anyone who threatens the safety of their children. The child's predators, who have been troubling recently, have now been arrested.

Wednesday, January 15, police arrested Hasan or Mami Hasan (41) at his residence in the Gondang area, East Java. According to community reports, the man molested dozens of boys. However, the Director of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Pitra Ratulangi, said it was possible that the number would continue to grow.

"During our investigation, we found approximately 11 victims of minors who were victims of immoral Mami H," said Pitra at the East Java Regional Police, Monday, January 20.

The possibility of increasing the number of victims is because many parents are ashamed to reveal that their children are victims of sexual immorality. Apart from that, Hasan has also committed this lecherous act for about a year.

In carrying out his lecherous act, Hasan chose the victim at random. However, the children who are going to be prey are always 15-17 years old. Then, by tricking into hundreds of thousands of cash, he invited potential victims who were in his coffee shop to want to be molested.

Furthermore, if the potential victim agrees with his offer, Hasan immediately takes the boy to his residence not far from the location. There, the man launched his act of sexual immorality.

"He (Hasan) persuaded him with the lure of Rp150 - Rp250 thousand. Then a child was affected, and was taken to the house concerned, where he committed a crime of sexual immorality," said Pitra.

From the results of an interim investigation, there is a strong suspicion why Hasan was desperate to molest a boy because he had similar interests. Because, at his residence, several VCDs of homosexual porn films were found.

In fact, this allegation was also strengthened by the disclosure of Hasan who was the chairman of the Gay Tulungagung Association (Igata).

"The person concerned is the chairman of the gay association in Tulungangung. This is the chairman," said Pitra

For his actions, Hasan was charged with Child Protection Law No.17 of 2016 and Article 82 of the Criminal Code with a minimum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years.

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