JAKARTA - Hundreds of students at the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java, dispelled the police who wanted to arrest Moch Subchi Azal Tsani or Mas Bechi for the legal case of obscenity that ensnared him on Thursday 7 July 2022.
In a video broadcast by one of the country's national television stations, they can be seen huddled together carrying refusal posters. Through an implied poster, they assume that the Mas Bechi case is a fabrication and a form of criminalization of the pesantren. There was an attempt to seize 61 pesantren asset certificates behind this case.
In fact, the caretaker of the Islamic boarding school, KH Muhammad Mukhtar Mukhti, who is none other than Mas Bechi's father, also called this case a slander. He also refused to arrest his son.

In the video negotiating Mas Bechi's arrest with the Jombang Police Chief AKBP Moh Nurhidayat which went viral on a messaging application as reported by Detik.com, Kiai Mukhtar had said, "For our safety together, for the glory of Indonesia Raya, this slander is a family matter. their respective places, don't force yourself to take my child who has been slandered."
Until finally Kiai Mukhtar agreed to take his son to the Jombang Police himself. "We'll take you there later," Kiai said in the video.

However, law enforcement officers continued to guard by surrounding Islamic boarding schools to avoid escape attempts. Several times the suspect reneged on the agreement to negotiate the arrest.
On Thursday (7/7) night, Mas Bechi finally turned himself in after six months of DPO status because the file for the suspect Mas Bechi had been declared complete by the East Java High Court since January 2022 and is now being held at the Class 1 Rutan Medaeng, Sidoarjo, East Java.
What actually happened? Why did Kiai Mukhtar call this case a family matter slander? Why did hundreds of students through their posters call this case a fabrication and there was an attempt to steal 61 pesantren asset certificates?
Mas Bechi's clarificationMas Bechi clarified the case that happened to him through a written statement on Thursday 7 July 2022, as reported by retizen.republika.co.id. He said the case arose because there were individuals who criminalized him. The engineering of a group of people who deliberately conspire to spread slander sporadically.
“Since I was a child, I have often been slandered by the family of my father's second ex-wife. It's normal, it's invulnerable. But the last slander that said I sexually harassed my female students, this is really barbaric and outrageous. Just wait, Allah will repay every slanderous act," said Mas Bechi.
It happened since 2017, but it was only reported in 2019. At that time, Mas Bechi was immediately a suspect without any examination of him, and without exploring concrete evidence. He still keeps his digital footprints to this day.

“This is so unreasonable! Considering that all the whistleblowers have been summoned to be confronted with the truth in front of my parents, even my wife, and their confessions were under pressure and threats from my father's ex-wife. Because if they don't want to follow the orders of my father's second ex-wife, they will be expelled from school," said Mas Bechi.
Mas Bechi further said that in 2019 the Jombang Police had transferred the slander case file to the East Java Police. The results of the work of the East Java Police concluded that the report was a fabrication and slander made by a group of people who wanted to destroy the Shiddiqiyyah-Jombang Islamic Boarding School.
There were several individuals who submitted evidence that was not in accordance with the actual facts 5 times to the Prosecutor's Office, so they were always rejected, because the Prosecutor's Office worked professionally. The case was terminated in 2019 (SP3) due to the inadequacy of the evidence. However, those who wanted to destroy the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School - Jombang continued to move to force the case to be raised to P21.
It is clear that there are irregularities, because suddenly his status, which seems very forced, has become a suspect and has been declared a wanted list (DPO), the determination of the suspect's status is not based on applicable legal rules, investigators should carry out legal procedures by providing opportunities to see and explore the available evidence. Moreover, as far as Mas Bechi knows, the National Police Chief and the Attorney General's Office are currently campaigning for restorative justice.
“The gang who have abused me with slander and fabricated this case have established relationships with several institutions and several cigarette barons to get me involved. This group tried to destroy, and then took control of Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah - Jombang. They have mastered more than 61 certificates in the pesantren land. They are greedy and savage by doing various ways to control our cottage," said Mas Bechi as quoted from Republika.

Through his IG account and tweeter @ashdaqwijaya, Mas Bechi invites all parties to be wise and careful in reading and listening to the news of the criminalization that he is currently experiencing.
"I declare, I have never done that sexual harassment. I will fight for truth and justice. Our country has people's sovereignty based on the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. Whatever happens, I will defend this Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah - Jombang. Thank you for mentoring me! This makes us even stronger and more solid!” he said.
@ashdaqwijaya said there are a number of businesses that are being run by Mas Bechi and his mother, Nyai SU. These include PR Sehat Tentrem Jaya Lestari, a cigarette factory that has been around since 2013; Hotel Yusro, a three-star hotel; PT Maa-an Ghodaqo Shiddiq Lestari which produces bottled mineral water with the Maaqo brand; Asy Syifaa Clinic in Ploso Jombang; Dhibra's companies are Al Kautsar which produces magazines and pure honey; as well as several Healthy Tentrem subsidiaries, such as Cafe Omah Cangkruk Sehat Tentrem, RM Yusro Lestari, Klambi ST, Susu Tombo ST, Syukur Barokah Lestari, Blokosutho Workshop, Genir, and others.
"Looking at the list of pesantren business entities that is getting longer and longer, who doesn't drool to own one? a lot. Including some people who like to CLOSE with each other, aka GROUPS," tweeted @ashdaqwijaya on February 10, 2022.
Victim's Confession: Some were Tortured and RapedThis statement was broken by the confession of the students who were victims of Mas Bechi's sexual harassment. One of the modes Mas Bechi uses when he is about to carry out his depraved actions is to neutralize the soul through metafactual knowledge.
However, many of the victims do not know what metafactual science is. As the testimony of victim 1 quoted from CNN Indonesia, Thursday (7/7). “In this activity, they use metafactual knowledge to use the term. The metafact was said to be inexplicable using reason, so I had to take off my clothes. And taking off the clothes can't be logical, beyond reason. I don't want to, I still say I don't want to. But he insisted on still using the same excuse. If you don't want it, it means you're still using reason, you haven't animate that metafact. He said he wanted to neutralize me by taking off all my clothes. I keep answering, I don't want to. I don't know what to do, I can't do anything there and there's no one there at all."
Victim 1 also feels sad that the incidents that happened to him keep repeating themselves, even in educational institutions. “I feel sad for the school that I have always wanted, the intention of seeking knowledge from far away has come. It turned out that until there they were treated like that and this incident was still repeated. I have a feeling of disapproval, O Allah, make a way, O Allah. And I hope that nothing will be repeated anywhere polluting educational institutions. Moreover, this is a Masya Allah nauzubillahminzalik Islamic boarding school. I hope it doesn't happen again. Wherever you are, I beg you to respect women.”
Launching from detikX, it turns out that there are still many other victims who have not been investigated by the police. There were some victims who even experienced abuse during the five years from 2012-2017. Not only raping, Bechi also carried out various types of torture.

“When confronted with resistance, Bechi stubbed a cigarette that was still lit at the victim's temple. Not infrequently, the back and legs of the victim, who was still in his teens at the time, also suffered bruises from the torture. The victim was also threatened, if he dared to fight, he would be expelled from the hut, his disgrace was spread, and his family destroyed," said the victim's companion as written in detikX on July 12, 2022.
According to one of the victim's students, in 2017, Bechi also recruited several teenage female students to become volunteers at the Sehat Tentrem clinic, a spiritual health clinic. The selection was carried out at the Jatidiri Bangsa Islamic Boarding School in the Puri, Plandaan, Jombang area together.
There they were ordered to do unusual things, such as drinking wine, being left overnight in the forest, and bathing in a tank. "When we showered, we were asked to wear Sidomukti jarit. He said to be noble and gain knowledge of metafacts. Bechi said, science has existed since 100 thousand years ago," he said.
Under the guise of a personal interview, Bechi took the female students to a hut called Cokro. There Bechi raped the female students.
The victims eventually resigned. They also had several times reported to the management of the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School, but they were ignored. Instead of getting justice, they were threatened by Bechi's followers.

Not only Ponpes, some victims also reported to the police. In July 2018, one of the victims, accompanied by his partner and companion, reported back to the Jombang Police. Unfortunately, the report was rejected on the grounds of insufficient evidence. In 2019, they again reported to the police and did a re-visum. As a result, on November 12, 2019, Mas Bechi was named a suspect by the Jombang Police.
Victims and their companions often contact the East Java Regional Police investigators directly via chat to private numbers to ask for the firmness and courage of the police to arrest Bechi.
"When I saw the video of the Chief of Police having a dialogue with Kiai Tar, some of the victims were weak. They told me, all of them immediately cried, why is this bad person so difficult to catch," said the victim's companion to detikX.
Mas Bechi is ready for trialThe East Java Police have named Mas Bechi as a suspect for allegedly raping five female students at the Majma'al Bharai Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School.
Karo Penmas Divhumas Polri Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan in his press statement on Friday, July 8, said that he had collected a number of evidences and examined a total of 36 witnesses and 8 expert witnesses. "Expert witnesses consist of 3 criminal expert witnesses, 3 medical experts, and 2 psychologists," he said.
The evidence includes two long skirts, two headscarves, two uniforms, one T-shirt, and three letters of dismissal from IMP and MQ students. All these files have also been submitted to the East Java High Court.

"Regarding objections or other issues that the suspect will raise, let the court decide," said Ahmad Ramadhan when contacted, Thursday (14/7).
Aspidum East Java Prosecutor's Office Sofyan Sele said there were three charges against Mas Bechi: Article 285 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years or both Article 289 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 a sentence of 9 years or Article 294 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 7 year. There is also Mas Bechi's trial will be held next week online and behind closed doors.
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