JAKARTA – In the last few days, Indonesia has been hit by extreme heat. According to records from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), on May 1-7 the average air temperature in Indonesia is 33-36.10 Celsius. Although it has not yet broken the record for the highest temperature in Indonesia, the hot weather lately has invited many complaints.
The highest temperature of 36.10 Celsius was recorded in the area around Jadebotabek and Kalimarau in North Kalimantan. The record for hot temperatures in Indonesia in April for the last 4-5 years is still held by Palembang in 2019. The temperature in Pempek City reached 38.80 Celsius. While the highest temperature in May was recorded in Samarinda in 2018, which was also recorded at 38.80 Celsius.
"The public is advised to always maintain the condition of body stamina and adequate body fluids, especially for residents who are active outdoors during the day," said Guswanto, Deputy for Meteorology in a written statement on May 9.

According to Guswanto, there are several things that have caused the air temperature in Indonesia in the last few days in April-May to feel very hot. The first is the position of the sun which is north of the equator, indicating that Indonesia has started to enter the dry season.
The growth rate of rain clouds in the territory of Indonesia has been greatly reduced, so that sunny weather from morning to afternoon will be dominant. The dominance of sunny weather optimizes the reception of sunlight on earth, causing the air temperature that is felt by the community to feel hot and scorching.
Not a Heat WaveMany people say that the heat felt in Indonesia is the result of a heatwave, or a heat wave. However, Guswanto denied that what was happening in Indonesia was a heat wave phenomenon.
"The scorching heat in Indonesia is not a heat wave," said Guswanto.
The term heat wave according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a prolonged hot air situation for at least five consecutive days. In a heat wave phenomenon, the highest daily temperature can be above the average maximum temperature of up to 50 Celsius.
Even though it is not a heat wave, Guswanto still reminds people to always maintain conditions by drinking water in sufficient portions. The scorching heat in Indonesia is expected to continue until mid-May.
Incredible Heat in South AsiaThe heat felt by people in Indonesia has not been comparable to what happened in India and Pakistan. In the South Asian country, hot temperatures have reached their highest point in the last 100 years.
Quoted from The Guardian, the highest extreme heat temperature in Pakistan was recorded in the city of Jacobabad which reached 490 Celsius. While in India, the highest air temperature was reached in Banda City, which was 47.20 Celsius. Both extreme heat conditions were recorded on April 30 last.
India's Meteorological Department says heatwaves are actually common in the country and Pakistan, but their arrival, intensity and duration this year are different. Heatwaves come faster and the temperatures are incredible. Scientists believe that the phenomenon of heat waves this time is influenced by global warming.
What is happening in Indonesia, India and Pakistan contradicts the conditions in Hong Kong and Thailand. The temperature in Hong Kong on May 2 was recorded at 16.40 Celsius, which was the lowest in May since 1917. In Umphang District, western Thailand bordering Myanmar, the temperature was recorded at 13.60 Celsius on May 4. It was the lowest temperature ever recorded in Thailand in May.

“Weather and climate hazards, especially storm surges and droughts, have a significant impact on many countries in the Asian region. This affects agriculture and food security, and contributes to increased displacement and vulnerability of migrants, refugees and displaced persons. This condition also exacerbates health risks, environmental problems, and the loss of natural ecosystems,” said Petteri Taalas, Secretary General of WMO.
According to WMO records, Asia experienced the warmest temperature in 2020 with an average increase of 1.390 Celsius compared to the period 1981-2010. Even the hottest temperature of up to 380 Celsius in 2020 was also recorded in the city of Verkhoyanks, Russia. It was the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic Circle region.
According to the records of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the United Nations agency dealing with economic and social issues in the Asia Pacific, natural disasters such as floods, droughts and hurricanes in Asia in 2020 caused losses of up to US$408 billion or nearly US$408 billion. IDR 6000 trillion!
So Indonesia should be wary of the extreme heat temperatures that have emerged recently. The BMKG as early as possible gives a warning about the threat of drought, which is not impossible to hit Indonesia after this May. The earth is getting hotter and erratic.
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