JAKARTA - Like the two previous Presidents of the United States (US), Donald Trump can temporarily hand over power to his vice president, Mike Pence. This can be done if Trump is powerless. For example, when undergoing medical procedures for treatment of COVID-19.

Through his official Twitter account, Trump confirmed that he was positive for COVID-19. Not only himself. First Lady Melania Trump is also known to be positive for COVID-19. Both of them will undergo quarantine to begin the recovery process immediately.

According to Article 3 of the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution - adopted in 1967 following the assassination of President John Kennedy in 1963, Trump can state in writing his inability to carry out his duties. Vice President Mike Pence will become acting president, although Trump remains in administrative office.

The president will regain power by stating in writing that he is ready to take office again. Paragraph 4 of the 25th Amendment also offers a way to strip the president of power, if his cabinet believes Trump has been paralyzed. However, in history this has never been asked for.

Verse 3 was done by US President Ronald Reagan. On July 13, 1985, he had to undergo surgery for precancerous lesions after being discovered during a colonoscopy. Vice President George HW Bush served as president for nearly eight hours, from 11.28 to 19.22. Reagan then issued a letter stating he could resume his duties.

Additionally, in 2002, President George W. Bush practiced Verse 3, temporarily transferring power to Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney served as president from 7.09am to 9.24am. On July 21, 2007, Bush returned to using Verse 3 before performing the colonoscopy. Cheney served as president from 7:16 a.m. to 9:21 a.m.

Meanwhile, for Paragraph 4, the vice president and a majority of cabinet officials or "other bodies that may be provided by congress under the law" can inform the leaders of the two houses of congress that the president "cannot exercise his power and office duties."

In such a case, the vice president takes over as acting president. The president returns to office after telling the same two congressional leaders "incapacitated" unless Cabinet officials or other bodies state otherwise. Congress then must meet within 48 hours to decide on the issue.

If two thirds of the members of the DPR and senate choose that the president cannot carry out his duties in office, the vice president will continue to act as president until the scheduled presidential election period. If not, the president will return to office.

Expectations from relatives

The news that Trump had COVID-19 shocked many. Mike Pence expressed his hope that Trump will recover soon through his official Twitter account.

"Karen and I send our love and prayers to our dear friends, President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS Melania Trump. We join millions of people across America praying for their full and speedy recovery. God bless you President Trump & First Lady. Our wonderful Melania. " said Pence.

The leaders of other countries also expressed concern over what happened to Trump. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that he was thinking about Trump and hoped that Trump would recover soon. Taiwan President Tsa Ing-wen, through his spokesperson, also expressed hopes for Trump's recovery.

"President Tsai, upon receiving the news, sent his best wishes to the US government via diplomatic channels, wishing President Trump and his wife a faster recovery under the professional care of the medical team."

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