JAKARTA - Interesting discussion rolling on Twitter. This time the opinion that emerged was "normalization of people who don't like small children." Yes, whatever. But if big children may not like small children, does that right apply the other way around? After all, admit it, however, big kids are definitely more annoying, even more dangerous for little kids.
This discussion stems from the @gevantgrady tweet. According to him, not everyone is able to be patient with small children with their various behaviors, including hearing annoying screams. This opinion has pros and cons.
The @UlarNegeri account responded, "Grow up!"
Normalize people don't like small children. Not everyone is able to patiently face small children with all their behavior and hear their disturbing screams. Sorry to say.
— Fuck Patriarchy! (@gevantgrady) January 1, 2022
The sensory system is a system that delivers stimuli from receptors to the center of the brain. With a stimulus, the sensory system transmits information to the part of the brain that functions to process information.
Humans themselves have seven sensory systems, ranging from touch, balance, movement between joints, sight, taste, smell, and hearing. In the process, the sensory system works to receive stimuli from the internal or external environment.
"So when it comes to a child screaming, it's like the sensory auditory (hearing) can't take the child's screams and disturbs him."
"So when there is a stimulus, namely the cry of a child, the brain immediately translates it as something unpleasant."
When the brain interprets the noise from a child as unpleasant, that's where the receptors in the brain center become unbalanced or balanced. "(When it's out of balance) there's a feeling of liking or disliking," added Ratih.
What if this logic was reversed?We failed to find cases where a small child harmed an older child. However, there are many cases of big children endangering small children. Figures recorded by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) prove this.
Even violence against children has increased in the last three years: 2019-2021. Among these figures, violence is in the form of sexual violence and exploitation. Small children are better off in the hands of big children.
"For cases of child exploitation and victims of child trafficking, the figure is higher, it looks significant than other violence. But the development of the pandemic is specifically for cases of high child exploitation," said Deputy for Child Protection at the PPPA Ministry, Nahar, quoted by CNN Indonesia.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this situation. According to Nahar, the online information system (Simphoni) for the protection of women and children recorded more than 6,000 reports of violence against children during the pandemic.
The data lists the number of violence against children in 2019 reaching 11,057 cases. In detail, violence consists of physical violence, with 3,401 cases, psychological violence (2,527), sexual violence (6,454), exploitation (106), criminal acts of trafficking in persons (111), neglect (850) cases, and 1,065 cases of other violence.
In 2020, the number of violence against children increased to 11,278 cases. In detail, physical violence totaled 2,900 cases, psychological (2,737), sexual violence (6,980), exploitation (133), TIP (213), neglect (864), and 1,121 cases of other violence.
Last year, data collected from January to September showed that there were 9,428 cases of violence against children. The details are 2,274 cases of physical violence, 2,332 psychological violence, 5,628 sexual violence, and 165 cases of child exploitation, 256 cases of trafficking in persons, 652 cases of neglect, and 1,270 other cases.
According to Nahar, the very large numbers that have been collected from the Symphony page could be less than the reality. There may be cases that go unreported. Always. So how? We represent small children pushing for normalization if many of the little ones don't like big kids.
*Read other information about CHILDREN PROTECTION or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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