JAKARTA - Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri Ardiansyah, died in an accident on the Jomo (Jombang-Mojokerto) toll road. Police are investigating elements of negligence, including the alleged speed of the car reaching 190 km/h. This article is not a judgment. But there is the option of leisurely driving within the legal speed limit. We explain why this option is so much better.
The accident occurred Thursday afternoon, November 4th. At that time, the car was filled with five people, including Vanessa's toddler child, a nanny, and a driver named Tubagus Joddy. All three survived with injuries and are currently still undergoing medical treatment at Bhayangkara Hospital, Surabaya, East Java.
"Arriving at KM 673+300 of the Jomo toll road section, the vehicle suddenly hit the concrete left barrier of the toll road," said East Java Police Public Relations Head Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko when confirmed, Thursday, November 4.

According to initial allegations based on findings at the crime scene, the Pajero Sport car numbered B 1264 BJU hit the concrete barrier at high speed. The car bounced and spun, before finally stopping in the fast lane.
It is known, when the incident Bibi was sitting in the passenger seat of the front cabin. His body was pinned against the frame of the car. Meanwhile, Vanessa's body, who was sitting in the second cabin, right behind Bibi, was blown out of the car up to four meters.
"So the one who was seriously injured was on the left, whose husband happened to be sitting in front of Vanessa behind him and it got worse," said East Java Police Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman.
Meanwhile, police suspect the accident was caused by a sleepy driver. Another thing that was explained by the police was that no brake marks were found around the crash site. "Because the sleepy driver swerved to the left and hit the left-hand toll barrier," said Latif.
Vanessa's estimated car speed
Recent developments, the police opened the possibility of negligence in the accident. Initial indications are the alleged speed of Vanessa's car which is above the speed limit. The examination of the driver, Tubagus Joddy, will be carried out after the doctor's recommendation.
"There is a possibility of negligence," said East Java Police Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman to VOI, Friday, November 5.
"We have not explored that direction ... For the time being we will provide assistance first. Examination," he continued.
The investigation will also explore Joddy's Instagram Story upload some time before the collision. The upload was highlighted by the public because Joddy recorded the image while driving right at KM 555 towards Surabaya, one hundred kilometers from the point of collision at KM 672.
The video upload also shows Joddy driving the car up to 180-190 km / h, as seen from the indicator on the speedometer. The post was later deleted by Joddy, even though some netizens had re-recorded and distributed it.
Although he has not been able to determine with certainty the element of negligence, Latif stated that in the accident sequence there was an act of violation. One of them, driving above the speed limit.
Government Regulation Number 79 of 2013 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation Network (LLAJ), in article 23 paragraph 4 stipulates the maximum speed limit for vehicles on inner city toll roads is 60 km/hour. Meanwhile, the maximum limit on out-of-town toll roads is 100 km/hour.
"Yes, it must be (a violation). Accidents always start with a violation," said Latif.
The art of calm-drivingIn addition to being regulated, there is actually always the option to drive casually within the legal speed limit. And that option is much better.
Relax, okay? According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), "relaxed" means "free from tension; in a state of freedom and leisure." So that doesn't mean driving under the speed limit either.
In addition to setting the maximum speed limit, PP 79/2013 also regulates the minimum speed limit on toll roads. For inner-city toll roads, the minimum speed limit is 50 km/hour. Meanwhile, the minimum speed limit for vehicles on out-of-town toll roads is 60 km/hour.
In Drivetime (2016), professor from the Department of English and Creative Writing at the University of Lancaster, UK, Lynne Pearce explains how quiet driving can be effective cognitive therapy.
In the book Pearce draws on British and American archives and literature from the 'automotive age' of mid 1900-2000. From his explorations Pearce discovers some surprising psychological benefits when we get behind the wheel.
"Although driving is now more often associated with road rage -- referring to life on busy city streets -- rather than relaxation, driving can actually lead a person positively into structured thinking. Driving in silence can also provoke interesting questions about the future, " written in the book resume, quoted from Science Daily.
Pearce, through careful observation of literary references and classical literature, has succeeded in making various types of modeling of 'driving events'. From there he discovered how driving can serve as an effective alternative to cognitive behavioral therapy.
This driving activity is of course in a context outside of traffic jams and other stressful conditions. Driving on country lanes at 20 or 30 mph or driving on empty city streets and even freeway driving can bring out a sense of excitement and help people escape from fatigue.
"Driving, thinking, daydreaming" is a key element of Pearce's art of leisurely driving, which not only gives positive feelings but can also provoke our minds to devise steps to solve problems. Inspired.
*Read other information about the ACCIDENT or read other interesting articles from Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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