G20 Presidency, President Jokowi: Inclusiveness Is Indonesia's Leadership Priority
President Joko Widodo delivers a virtual speech at the 76th UN General Assembly. (Screenshot of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs YouTube channel)

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia would prioritize inclusiveness, together with all countries, in line with the global trust in the G20 Presidency which will be carried out starting December 1.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi in a virtual speech at the 76th UN General Assembly Session on Thursday, September 23. The big theme for the upcoming 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency is 'Recover Together, Recover Stronger'.

"Inclusivity is the main priority of the Indonesian leadership, this is Indonesia's commitment to prove 'no one left behind'," said President Jokowi in a virtual speech broadcast on the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' YouTube account, Thursday, September 23.

President Jokowi further said that Indonesia will strive so that the G20 can work for the benefit of all parties in the world.

"For developed countries and developing countries, North and South, large and small countries, island countries and small islands in the Pacific, as well as vulnerable groups that must be prioritized," he explained.

The President added, in the global order, Indonesia wants to prioritize burden sharing, sharing burdens, facing a very heavy world agenda.

"Indonesia Indonesia again conveys its support and hope for multilateralism. It is urgent for us to oversee effective multilateralism, with concrete work and results. Let us work together, to recover together, recover stronger," concluded President Jokowi.

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