JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, witnessed an exhibition by a statue created by an American artist, Brian Totaling KAWS, which was being held at Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).
Puan is also proud that Indonesia was chosen to be one of the countries where the lying giant statue was exhibited.
Puan arrived at Prambanan Temple on Sunday evening after visiting the Dieng tourist area in Wonosobo, Central Java.
Puan's presence shocked the people of Yogyakarta who were watching the KAWS exhibition: Holiday Indonesia in the Prambanan Temple area.
“Bu Puan, Mrs. Puan. Mbak Puan, Mbak Puan, ” shouted at Puan enthusiastically as a message received in Jakarta, Sunday, August 27.
Puan also greeted the residents warmly. Puan did not even hesitate to accept many requests for photos and selfies from the community. “ Thank you,” he told every time he finished taking pictures.
Every now and then, Puan also invites residents to talk, including children who also want to greet her.
"What class are you in?" On holiday here, huh? The smart one, "” said Puan to a 4th grade elementary school student named Mazis.
Mazis admitted that she enjoyed being invited to talk by Puan. Puan also became a fight over photos and selfies of women to young people. A Yogyakarta UPN student named Bagas also expressed his hope after taking pictures with Puan.
“Semoga DPR terus mendukung generasi muda, termasuk untuk urusan lapangan pekerjaan di bidang- bidang khusus seperti majori saya di Teknik Informatika,” harap Bagas.
Regarding the KAWS exhibition: Holiday Indonesia, Puan hopes that her presence can attract more and more tourists to come to Prambanan Temple. Especially foreign tourists.
“ We should be proud because world-class art exhibitions choose to stop in Indonesia. The selection of the location of Prambanan Temple is proof that Indonesia's cultural heritage is highly appreciated by the international community, ” said Puan.
Before stopping in Indonesia, the magnificent creations of KAWS visited Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bristol, Singapore, Mount airingungmai, Melbourne, to flying into space with various poses of giant and different colors balloon dolls.
The presence of a giant balloon doll in the form of a pink rabbit with the lying position of KAWS's work at Prambanan Temple is considered to have its own uniqueness. Because, said Puan, the exhibition combines modern contemporary cultural arts with traditional cultural values.
This “ The combination of art and cultural values will certainly have a positive impact on Indonesia. Both for the tourism sector, as well as the creative economy which is expected to bring progress to Indonesian cultural arts in the world, ” said Bung Karno's grandson.
"And with the richness of Indonesian arts and traditions, I believe there will be more opportunities like this in the future which will certainly make Indonesia proud more and more," added Puan.
After watching the statue exhibition of KAWS: Holiday Indonesia, Puan continued her journey in DIY by visiting the Malioboro area.
“ Now the Malioboro area is better organized. Hopefully, with the neater arrangement of the Malioboro area, the economy in the Special Region of Yogyakarta can increase as well, ” he said.
Puan also took the time to taste the culinary delights around Malioboro before returning to Jakarta. He and his entourage enjoyed the Jakarta Siomay Kang Ujang which was quite famous in Yogyakarta.
" “ We want MSMEs like Siomay Kang Ujang to be more advanced so that they can help regional, even national, economic growth," said Puan.
During her working visit to DIY, Puan was accompanied by a number of members of the DPR. Among them are Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Diah Pitaloka and MY Esti Wijayati who are legislators from the DIY electoral district.
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