Using TNI And Police Does Not Affect, Minister Of Health Budi Gunadi Asked For Prokes Changes To Be Encouraged By PKK Women
Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that the use of TNI and Polri to change people's behavior in adhering to health protocols has no effect. The Minister of Health said that the role of the Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK) group which is filled by mothers is very necessary.

"The police army has been used (to discipline health protocols, ed), was forced to not succeed. So I say behavior changes should be (supported, ed) by the PKK," Budi said in a webinar entitled Citizen Dialogue: Vaccines and Us Economic Recovery Committee and Transformation of West Java quoted on Friday, January 21.

He assessed the role of the PKK mothers would be central to behavior change in society. "Because of what, what a man is afraid of besides the police is his wife," he said.

"So approaching him through his wife later teaches her husband or she teaches her children to wear masks and wash their hands. If I go, my wife gets scolded by my wife. The minister agrees, 'where is this mask, how about the minister forgot to wear a mask. wear a mask, "he added.

The Minister of Health assessed that the problems that exist in the midst of a pandemic cannot be handled by the Ministry of Health alone. Budi said, the Ministry of Health can fix technical problems that occur such as repairing testing patterns and other things.

Meanwhile, behavior change, he said, is not only based on regulations that have been made by the government but also public awareness.

"So here I really can't do this alone, I have to work together," he said.

"I said to health friends, don't be exclusive. This must be done inclusively. And the government can't just make programs but it must be a movement that is supported by all components of the nation, civil society that is formal, non-formal, young, to retired. "he concluded.

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