Overcoming Community Diseases In The Month Of Ramadan, Joint Officers Net 4 Women And 1 Transgender At KBT Cakung
Photo Illustration: Antara

Joint officers from the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Social Service and Transportation Service held raids on community diseases on the East Flood Canal (KBT) side, East Cakung Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

From the results of the raid, as many as 4 women, 1 transgender and 1 masher were arrested by joint officers.

"There were 4 women, 1 man and 1 more transvestites who were secured. They were taken to a social institution in Cipayung," said Head of the East Cakung Village Government, Sudharman Naibaho, to reporters, Wednesday, March 29.

This control was carried out because of complaints from residents. Residents feel restless because of indications of immoral acts or alcohol.

"Indeed, this is not the first time we have done this, before we have made appeals and warnings. We have called the kelurahan so that it does not happen again, but because this is happening again. We must be more assertive in maintaining order and security in our environment," he said.

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