JAKARTA - The building structure of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) is designed to be earthquake resistant as a mitigation of potential earthquake disasters around the KCJB route.

President Director of PT KCIC, Dwiyana Slamet Riyadi, said the design of the KCJB project structure was indeed made to withstand various potential natural disasters, including earthquakes. In the implementation of the construction, it always pays attention to the quality so that the construction results function optimally.

"The KCJB Infrastructure Structure has considered conditions in Indonesia where earthquakes often occur. The KCJB infrastructure structure is designed to be earthquake resistant and can have a lifespan of up to 100 years," said Dwiyana in a statement in Jakarta, Friday, November 25.

The highest earthquake ever occurred in Java has a magnitude of 8.0. This condition has been anticipated in the construction of the KCJB structure so that it is able to deal with earthquakes that cause severe damage, cracks in the ground to landslides.

The construction of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project is carried out taking into account geological conditions along the route. The infrastructure structure of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train (KCJB) is designed to be earthquake resistant as a mitigation of potential earthquake disasters around the KCJB route.

By considering earthquake zone references and seismic conditions in Indonesia, KCJB infrastructure such as bridges, subgrades to tunnels along the route, is designed to have earthquake resistance up to 8.0 to 9.0 Seismic Intensity Scale (equivalent to eight magnitudes).

In addition to earthquake-resistant building structures, fast train facilities, in this case, passenger high-speed trains (EMU) and high-speed surveillance trains (CIT) are also equipped with disaster monitoring or detection features.

"The design of a qualified building structure as well as a train feature capable of detecting disasters is embedded in the operational security of KCJB. It is hoped that it can mitigate the impact in the event of a disaster," said Dwiyana.

Regarding the earthquake that occurred in Cianjur on Monday, November 21, 2022, Dwiyana said that the condition of the KCJB Infrastructure structure is currently safe from damage caused by the earthquake.

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