Many Traders And Visitors To The Rawasari Cempaka Putih Market Don't Wear Masks, The PP Satpol Immediately Gives Sanctions
Traders at Rawasari Market were found not wearing masks while doing activities in the market/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) again found two traders at the Rawasari market, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta who violated health protocols by not wearing masks.

In addition, officers also saw market visitors not wearing masks. In fact, currently Jakarta is starting to experience an increase in the COVID-19 variant of the Omicron.

The head of the Central Jakarta Satpol PP Danru, Joko said, there are still many traders and buyers who ignore not wearing masks when carrying out activities in the market.

Traders at Rawasari Market were found not wearing masks while doing activities in the market/ Photo: IST

"Some people don't wear masks on purpose, some put their masks on their chins. It's a shame that they ignored the procedure," Joko told reporters, Tuesday, January 11.

Joko said, on average, the reasons those caught did not wear masks varied. Starting from smoking, eating, drinking, or stuffy because of wearing a mask continuously.

"Those who are found not wearing masks will immediately collect data and provide social sanctions by sweeping garbage around the location," he said.

Apart from being in the Rawasari market, many motorists who crossed the front of the market were also found violating the prokes. The punishment given is also the same, namely social sanctions to create a deterrent effect.

"There were quite a few, there were 37 violators who didn't wear masks. If we don't meet the crowd, we just don't wear masks," concluded Joko.

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