Guessing Jokowi's Choice Of KPK Supervisory Board

JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to inaugurate the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the 2019-2023 period, at the State Palace, this afternoon. At the same moment, Jokowi will also appoint members of the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas).

Dewas KPK is a new entity within the anti-graft body where its formation is based on Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission or the KPK Law.

Meanwhile, for the KPK Supervisory Board members it is not certain. Jokowi only mentioned several names, such as former Supreme Court judge Artidjo Alkotsar, judge Albertina Ho, and confirmed the names of former KPK chairman Taufiequrachman Ruki.

Other names also appeared, such as Hamzan Zoelva, a former constitutional judge, to Romli Atmasasmita, a member of the KPK Bill Formulating Team. Not only that, even the name Gayus Lumbuun was also busy being discussed as a candidate.

Commission III member Arsul Sani was reluctant to reveal whether these names were elected to the KPK's supervisory board for the first period to be inaugurated this afternoon.

"I don't think I will mention the names one by one. But the names that are circulating in terms of the requirements of the law do meet the requirements," he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, December 20.

However, according to Arsul, the most important of these names is a track record. Because, he said, this would certainly be a consideration for the president in determining who was elected to the KPK Dewas.

"If I look at the pattern, the president also gets input from various parties behind closed doors. Each of them does not know each other. Of course the president will trace the track records of civil society organizations against the people mentioned," he explained.

Meanwhile regarding the dewas not being tested by the public, Arsul said that this had become a joint agreement, in which the direct president was the one who decided.

"President Jokowi was chosen by 50 percent of voters in the Presidential Election, don't we believe it. Yes, we do. Later for the next Dewas, there will be a selection process, when there is a selection process it means that it is open to wider participation," he said.

Arsul believes that those who are asked for their opinions regarding the names of the KPK members will not be arbitrary in giving their views. He also denied that political parties were involved in the process.

"In fact, the president has not spoken to political parties at all about the KPK Dewas. At least the political parties in the Working Indonesia coalition, we just support what the president is doing. Because political parties are already in the DPR through their factions. It was decided that the president would be elected, so we are waiting for the decision, "he explained.

The PPP Secretary General also denied the news that a political party had been entrusted with Jokowi to occupy the position of the KPK Dewas for the first term. "Nothing. Even if someone leaves him, Pak Jokowinya doesn't want to. Believe me. In many of these positions, the president does not accept input from political parties," he said.

Previously, Arsul had also mentioned four names that had the opportunity to occupy the position of the KPK Dewas before President Jokowi revealed the three names as described above.

"If PPP voiced it, for example if someone was at the KPK, there was Pak Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, then Prof. Indrianto Seno Adji, there was also Mas Achmad Santosa," explained Arsul, the parliament complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.

The three names are appropriate because they have a legal or law enforcement background. Apart from these three names, the name Gayus Lumbuun was also considered suitable to fill the Dewas seat.

"I think it is okay to let him be a PDIP politician but he has been a Supreme Court judge and then also a military criminal chamber," said Arsul.

Meanwhile, when he confirmed to Gayus Lambuun whether there had been an offer from the palace for him to become a KPK officer, he admitted that no one had contacted him yet. However, if asked, he was ready.

"Until now, I have not been contacted regarding this matter. Yes, at any time if the President gives confidence, I will certainly be ready," he told VOI, Thursday, December 19.

Meanwhile, the President's Special Staff for Early Legal Affairs, Shanti Purwono, said that the inauguration of KPK leaders and Dewas is scheduled to take place in the afternoon before evening.

"That's right, noon 14.30 WIB, the latest information is like that," said Dini, when contacted via text message, Thursday, December 19.