Surabaya Regional Representative Council Member Went Undercover, Entered Upscale Nightlife Places And Found Violations

SURABAYA - A number of public entertainment houses (RHU) in the city of Surabaya are considered to have violated operating hours even though they have signed an integrity pact for relaxation given by the Surabaya City Government to open their businesses during level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 1.

"There were several RHUs violating operating hours when we monitored a number of RHUs in the city of Surabaya on Saturday (30/10) night until Sunday (31/10) in the morning," said Member of Commission A for Law and Government of the Surabaya Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Imam Syafii, in Surabaya quoted by Antara, Monday, November 1.

According to him, according to regulations, all RHU activities must stop and close at 00.00 a.m. local time. However, he said, his party found facts on the ground that there were two RHUs who dared to operate beyond the specified operating hours.

Imam said that at first his party conducted monitoring in the central Surabaya area and it was found that most RHUs had closed their activities at 00.00 a.m.

He then shifted to the Kedungdoro area, at that time Imam found visitor cars parked in front of an RHU which was found to be still receiving guests even though it was past operating hours.

However, when Imam left the complex, he found street vendors (PKL) along Jalan Kedungdoro being brought under control by members of the police. "These street vendors are brought under control, but the RHU that is still operating is left without any enforcement," said Imam.

Finding one RHU that violated did not make Imam satisfied, he also expanded his monitoring area by heading to the West Surabaya area. On his way, Imam monitored the RHU in the Pandegiling area which had also been closed. Likewise, the RHU in the Jl Mayjend Sungkono area is also closed.

Imam went to Jl Yono Suwoyo, at this location Imam again found many parked cars, so Imam went in to check. He found that the RHU was still opening services for guests even though it was already early in the morning.

He also tried to enter the RHU which is classified as top class. Imam also did not find a series of health checks such as checking body temperature and applying the PeduliLindung application when entering. Although, the RHU has arranged both the entry and exit routes and seats by giving a sign.

Imam then ordered a drink to make sure the RHU was still operating to serve guests. "This is a fact, they are not committed. They dare to violate, this must be taken seriously," said Imam.

His party will respond by calling the relevant agencies and the owner of the RHU to explain the findings. "We will bring this finding to the meeting of commission A and we will immediately summon it," said Imam.

There are hundreds of RHUs in the city of Surabaya that have signed an integrity pact related to the opening of RHUs on Friday, October 22. The contents of the integrity pact include that the owner, manager, and person in charge of RHU must comply with the operating hours that have been determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, the provision of barcodes for the PeduliLindung application. Every RHU visitor must have been vaccinated, and the RHU owner is also required to record the identity listed on the visitor's ID card. For the allowed RHU capacity, a maximum of 75 percent and must carry out the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as set by the Surabaya City Government.

"Meanwhile, what RHU owners need to pay close attention to is the regulation from the Mayor of Surabaya regarding health care violations. If it is found that RHU violates health procedures, it will be closed for a minimum of 4 months," said the Head of Prevention and Preparedness of the City Disaster Management and Community Protection Agency (BPB Linmas) Surabaya City, Hendry Simanjuntak.