Azis Syamsuddin's Testimony About Meeting With Ex-KPK Investigators Broken Adjutant

JAKARTA - The meeting of Azis Syamsuddin and Stepanus Robin Pattuju when they were still KPK investigators, was justified by Dedi Yulianto as an aide to the former Deputy Speaker of the DPR. The meeting at Azis' house is suspected to have led to a criminal act.

"In BAP 14 Dedi Yulianto said 'I've seen Robin Pattuju several times at Azis Syamsuddin's house. As far as I remember the chronology is in early 2020 around the afternoon Agus Supriadi with Robin Pattuju came to Azis Syamsuddin's official house', said the Public Prosecutor (KPK) prosecutor Wahyu Dwi Oktavianto at the Corruption Court (Tipikor), reported by Antara, Monday, November 1.

The KPK prosecutor read out Dedi Yulianto's Minutes of Investigation (BAP) because Dedi, who is an active member of the National Police, is on duty in Puncak Jaya Regency, Papua, so he could not be present as a witness at the trial.

"At that time I was on duty to accompany Azis Syamsuddin. Arriving at the official house, I saw Agus Supriadi and Robin Pattuju already sitting in the gazebo of the official house, after that Mr. Azis entered the house and I approached Agus Supriadi who I had known before, at that time I don't know Robin Pattuju yet," added the prosecutor Wahyu.

Dedi has served as Azis' adjutant since 2019. Meanwhile, Agus Supriadi is a member of the National Police who is also a friend of Azis Syamsuddin.

"After sunset, I saw that the two guests were met by Azis Syamsuddin. I don't know what they were talking about," said the prosecutor.

Furthermore, Dedi admitted that he had seen Robin personally come to Azis Syamsuddin's official residence. Azis then met Robin at the joglo which was located in front of the official residence.

"There is an SOP (standard operating procedure) to meet the Deputy Chairman of the DPR RI Azis Syamsuddin. As far as I know, not everyone can meet Azis Syamsuddin, to meet him you must know him and get permission or have an appointment. I as an aide have to ask him if he is willing to meet, if he is not pleased then he cannot meet him," added the prosecutor.

Dedi Yulianto's statement is different from the testimony of Azis Syamsuddin when he was a witness at the trial on October 25, 2021.

During the trial, Azis said that Robin had come to his house several times without being invited.

"The character that I have, I receive every guest, that's why people say I'm too good, but because I'm too good, I'm sad. No one comes to my house, is not given aqua or tea," Azis said in court on Monday. , October 25.