Basarnas Employee Thugs Use Mode Of Accusing His Sister Being A Stabbing Victim

JAKARTA - The police said that the suspects in the robbery of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) employee, Mita Nurkhasanah, used the modus operandi of accusing her sister of being the victim of a stabbing. However, that never happened.

"It's just a method to obscure it because he's still with the victim's girlfriend. So it's just a mode of not knowing each other," said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, November 1.

In launching the method, the suspect with the initials RP alias K did it. This mode is also done so that the victims are afraid.

"The initials RP alias K was arrested in Tamansari. He was the one who said 'you did it to my sister' to the victim's boyfriend," said Yusri.

After intimidating the victim, the other suspects immediately took up their roles. Starting from taking the victim's cellphone to hacking it.

"The perpetrator took out a sickle and took the victim's cellphone and slashed the victim to death," said Yusri.

The police arrested three suspected robbers who stabbed the employee of the National SAR Agency (Basarnas), Mita Nurkhasanah (22), to death. They were arrested after almost two weeks of being fugitives.

The three suspects, among others, MG, RP, MR were arrested at different locations by a team led by Police Commissioner Adjutant Dimitri Mahendra.

For their actions, they were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence.