COVID-19 Cases In Jakarta Rise, DPRD: Don't Blame The Government

JAKARTA - Member of Commission B DPRD DKI Gilbert Simanjuntak assessed that the DKI Provincial Government cannot tighten the activities of outsiders such as the initial PSBB after the transitional PSBB period ends today.

According to Gilbert, if DKI again restricts the movement of people from doing their activities and working outside the home, then the government must guarantee their daily needs. Unfortunately, that requires a large budget.

"I am sure that the capacity of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to provide subsidies is very inadequate. Even now, the governor must borrow an economic recovery budget of IDR 12.5 trillion from the central government," Gilbert said when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, July 30.

So, Gilbert suggested that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government extend the transitional PSBB period again. However, with a note, tighten supervision in environments that are at risk of transmission of COVID-19.

This is because, according to Gilbert, the cause of the large number of COVID-19 transmissions in DKI is due to the lack of public awareness to carry out health protocols such as wearing masks and maintaining distance.

"Even the health workers have been in the hospital for months, have they all been infected? Not really, because they are disciplined in using PPE. Don't then blame the government. People must have a change in behavior and awareness," he said.

For information, today is the last day of the transitional PSBB in Jakarta. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that his party had three options that would be implemented.

The indicators that determine the policy are the case reproduction rate, the positivity rate, and the capacity of special beds for COVID-19 care.

"We will evaluate the PSBB transition. We coordinate with the central government, experts and experts, related agencies, and we will decide everything together," said Riza.

The first option is to tighten the transitional large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). It is not impossible that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will again tighten the PSBB as it did last April. Where, all residents carry out activities such as working from home.

However, there is also the possibility that DKI Pemprov will again extend the transitional PSBB. Almost all activities have been allowed to run with a capacity limitation of 50 percent, except for nightlife venues which are still closed.

However, if there is a decrease in the three determining indicators, namely the case reproduction rate, the positivity rate, and the capacity of special beds for COVID-19 treatment, then DKI can relax the PSBB and all activities can resume operations.

Meanwhile, in the analysis of case developments as of July 26, the new cases in DKI in recent times were quite high. The increase in COVID-19 cases in DKI increased quite drastically from the previous week. The accumulation of cases in the previous week was 1,880, this week it increased to 2,679.

Then, new cases on Wednesday, July 29, increased by 584 cases. The accumulation of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta to date is 20,470 cases. Within a week, DKI had carried out tests four times the standard. The count, currently, DKI has conducted 43,000 tests per week.

From the results of the examination, the percentage of positive cases examined in the last week was 6.3 percent. This figure exceeds the standard set by WHO of 5 percent.

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