Attorney Pinangki Was Released Because He Met Djoko Tjandra Abroad

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office revealed the results of the investigation related to the prosecutor's meeting with fugitive Djoko Tjandra's lawyer, Anita Kolopaking. From the clarification, no violation was found by the Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office (Jaksel).

"Whereas based on the results of clarification to related parties, including the Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office, the Head of the Special Forces, the Head of the State Prosecutor's Office, picket officers, Attorney Fahriani Suyuti and Anita Kolopaking, there is no preliminary evidence of disciplinary violations committed by the Head of the State Prosecutor's Office. South Jakarta, so that the clarification / investigation is stopped, "said Head of the Legal Information Center of the AGO, Hari Setiyono, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 29 evening.

However, during the investigation regarding the circulation of the photo of prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari together with Anita Kolopaking, the AGO found an alleged violation. Because it was found preliminary evidence of disciplinary violations by Pinangki, the examination was upgraded to Case Inspection.

"Whereas based on the inspection results report (LHP) on the case inspection on behalf of the reported, Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari, Head of the Second Monitoring and Evaluation Sub-Section at the Planning Bureau of the young Attorney General for Development, was proven to have violated the discipline of civil servants," said Hari.

Hari said Pinangki was proven to have traveled abroad and met fugitive Djoko Tjandra without obtaining written permission from the leadership. Pinangki is called the International Day 9 times in 2019.

In fact, written permission from the leadership is required in the provisions of the Attorney General's Circular Number: 018 / JA / 11/1982 dated 11 November 1982 concerning Simplicity of Life, the Attorney General's Circular for Development Number: B-1181 / B / BS / 07/19 87 dated July 6, 1987 regarding Implementation Guidelines for obtaining a permit to travel abroad and Letter of the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence Number B- 012 / D.1 / 01/1987 dated January 8, 1987 regarding the clearance list.

Pinangki's actions violate the provisions of Article 3 point 17 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 53 of 2010, namely 'civil servants are required to obey official regulations set by the authorized official'.

In addition, Pinangki is suspected of violating the provisions of article 3 letter a and article 4 letter a of the Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PER-067 / A / JA / 07/2007 regarding the Code of Conduct of Prosecutors, namely 'In carrying out professional duties, prosecutors are obliged to obey the rules of law and regulation. prevailing statutory and official regulations' and 'In carrying out professional duties, prosecutors are prohibited from using their position and / or power for personal gain and / or other parties'.

"To enforce discipline, it is necessary to impose a disciplinary penalty that is commensurate with the disciplinary offense he has committed," said Hari.

Therefore, the Deputy Attorney General issued Decree Number: KEP-IV-041 / B / WJA / 07/2020 dated 29 July 2020 concerning the Imposition of Severe Disciplinary Punishment (PHD), in the form of 'Exemption from Structural Position' as regulated in PP No. . 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants, article 7 paragraph (4) letter c.