Since The Service Was Opened, The Illegal Loan Task Force Has Been Busy Receiving Complaints From The Public

JAKARTA – Complaints regarding illegal online loans (pinjol) keep coming. The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is currently researching public complaints that come in through the illegal online loan complaint channel established by the National Police Headquarters.

"There have been many complaints that have come in, now they are investigated first," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dirtipideksus) of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Helmy Santika, when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday, October 30.

Helmy did not mention how many public complaints his party had received or received through the Illegal Pinjol complaint service.

However, he ensured that public reports that entered the police headquarters' illegal loan complaint channel would be followed up.

Helmy also supports the opening of a channel for complaints of illegal borrowing by a number of parties, such as the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI).

"This is a form of concern to make it easier for people to complain about their problems," said Helmy.

It should be noted that the Dittipideksus Bareskrim Polri has opened a contact service for complaints handling illegal loans, since Monday, October 25.

The Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said the complaint channel was available on Whatsapp instant messages and Instagram social media.

"To handle this illegal loan, the National Police has opened a hotline number WA 081210019202," said Rusdi.

In addition to the WA number, the public can also submit their complaints via social media Instagram @Satgas_pinjol_illegal.

Rusdy said that public complaints that came in through the WA and Instagram "hotline" numbers would be followed up by Polri investigators to take action against illegal borrowers who committed criminal acts in the form of threats, bullying, or sending immoral messages.

"Of course, the community report will be followed up by taking action against the perpetrators. This is handled by Polri investigators," said Rusdi.

Similar to Helmy, Rusdi also welcomes parties who open a complaint service for handling illegal loans. This gives more space for the community to complain about their problems.

"Obviously, this complaint will all lead to the Police, especially regarding the crime," said Rusdy.