This Is What You Must Notice So That Stomach Acid Does Not Recur When Consuming Vitamin C

JAKARTA - Vitamin C is generally known as a vitamin that plays an important role in supporting the human immune system. Especially in the last two years, vitamin C seems to be the most sought after item because all people are busy looking for ways to increase body resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nutritionist Rita Ramayulis, who is the administrator of the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (Persagi) DPP, explained that it was necessary to understand beforehand the benefits of consuming vitamin C for the human body.

There are at least five functions of vitamin C when consumed and digested by the body.

First, it helps white blood cells (neutrophils) to move to the infected tissue so that if an infection occurs, the body can immediately overcome it.

Then next, accelerate the production of cytokines as the main ingredient to treat the infected body. The third activates the work of white blood cells so that they can expel bacteria that cause the body to fall ill.

In the fourth and fifth functions, vitamin C can accelerate the growth of the number of B cells and T cells that function to fight viruses that enter the body.

"The point is that during a pandemic or not, vitamin C plays a role in the body's defense and we should not be in a condition of vitamin C deficiency," said Rita, as quoted by Antara.

Although its role is important, there are not a few complaints that arise from the consumption of vitamin C such as symptoms and gastric discomfort, especially those who do have stomach acid disorders.

For this reason, several things need to be considered and observed so that your vitamin C consumption remains comfortable and has a maximum function to maintain the body's immunity.

Safe for the stomach

dr. Iwan Dermawan S. Ked., a health worker in the city of Depok also found many patients who complained of a sore stomach after taking vitamin C, showing symptoms of prolonged belching or other uncomfortable symptoms.

For this reason, he advises patients to look for vitamin C which has acid levels that are not too high so that it can meet their daily needs to maintain a healthy body.

“Keep in mind that vitamin C has another name ascorbic acid. As the name implies, it is acidic and in certain people, it can affect the condition of stomach acid," said doctor Iwan.

Rita also added that it is better for people who experience stomach acid complaints to look for vitamin C with a buffered formula or those who already have additional minerals so that vitamin C can be safe and comfortable for the stomach.

Buffered vitamin C is safe, because pure ascorbic acid bound to minerals has neutral properties because basically minerals are bases that can neutralize high acids.

"So, when it reaches the stomach it doesn't make the situation very acidic, because the nature of the mineral is alkaline, so there is an acid-base balance in the stomach. This is possible thanks to technological advances in the pharmaceutical field. One of them is sodium ascorbate, which is often called buffered vitamin C. So, although the nature of vitamin C is actually acidic, the vitamin C produced is more acceptable to people with stomach acid disorders,” said Rita.

Avoid Carbonated and Preserved Vitamin C

For people who suffer from stomach acid, in addition to avoiding pure ascorbic acid content for consumption, other things that need to be avoided are soda and preservatives in packaged vitamin C supplements.

The use of soda is often accompanied and found in vitamin C supplements, in addition to providing a taste sensation and being a variation on vitamin C, apparently soda is included to preserve the vitamin C content so that it is stable.

Several types of soda are added, such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, and disodium phosphate.

"If that's what is added, it can indeed preserve the vitamin C content, but if it is consumed in certain amounts by certain people, several health journals say it can affect digestive health," said Rita who is also the Chair of the Indonesia Sports Nutritionist Association (ISNA).

Some of the complaints experienced by the public after consuming vitamin C with soda in it include stomach constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, to weakness.

"From a nutritional balance perspective, this is clearly disturbing, if the binder is disodium phosphate, then excess phosphate will push calcium out. At a certain time, this even affects bone density, so you need to be careful when consuming it,” she added.

Regarding the addition of preservatives such as the three minerals mentioned above, Rita explained that it is better for vitamin C to be consumed with caution because preservatives usually trigger vitamin C to increase the pH of stomach acid or increase Hcl in the stomach.

With an increase in stomach acid, vitamin C automatically becomes a sensitive material for people with stomach acid.

Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful before consuming it.

“Indeed, those with sensitive stomachs will be more quickly triggered and feel complaints. In public, actually, BPOM has determined a safe dose, but sometimes people consume more than necessary, both in frequency and dose. Though the content of these substances we also get from other foods. In essence, the consumption of substances such as soda solution and preservatives for a certain time will affect digestive health with clinical manifestations as mentioned earlier,“ said Rita.

Suggestions for Consumption of Vitamin C

As for people with stomach acid, the best advice to be able to consume vitamin C so that it can benefit the body is not to forget to eat before taking supplements.

Thus, the gastrointestinal tract does not immediately manage ascorbic acid and causes an increase in gastric acid reaction.

In addition, follow the dosage recommendations listed on the packaging so that there is no overreaction.

It's also good for people with stomach acid to look for vitamin C which has a little mixture of preservatives and other binding substances to make it safe for digestion.

"Actually, we don't need other substances besides what we are looking for, especially if there are negative effects from excess preservatives or additional soda. Then pay attention to the dosage and the pharmaceutical technology used. Has the acidity been processed to be lower. All of that needs to be studied so that we can make the right decisions,” said Rita.

Of course, consuming vitamins from natural ingredients such as fruits and vegetables will be even better so that the digestion of people with stomach acid can avoid recurrence.