List Of Prone Areas For Game Of Food Prices

JAKARTA - The moments of Christmas and New Year celebrations are often used by certain individuals to reap big profits. Especially, in the food sector. It is not uncommon for the food mafia to deliberately hoard various basic necessities ahead of the two big days at the end of that year.

The purpose of hoarding is so that basic needs are less and less found in the market. So that it has an impact on fantastic price increases and of course gets big profits.

For this reason, the National Police has deployed a Food Task Force to maintain the stability of the availability of staples throughout Indonesia.

The Head of Public Relations DivHumas Polri Kombes Pol Asep Adi Saputra said, based on the results of the provisional monitoring, the availability of basic commodities was still deemed sufficient and there was no indication of fraud.

However, in several regions, such as Sumatra and Papua, there are indications of fraud. Thus, it requires extra monitoring to prevent irresponsible people from playing.

"Indeed, there are several areas that we monitor and monitor specifically considering these areas, as usual, before Christmas and New Year, there is an increase in demand for additional basic needs," Asep said in Jakarta, Thursday, December 19.

"Those areas that are specifically monitored are for example in North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Papua and West Papua," he continued.

In addition to anticipating hoarding, it is also said that the Food Task Force will take action against several other fraudulent acts such as price games or selling goods that do not comply with standards. Later, the perpetrators who are caught involved will be dealt with firmly by the consumer protection law.

"These indications include monopoly, price play, hoarding, or selling goods that are not as promised or not as standard, because they may violate the Service Act or are also related to consumer protection," said Asep.

However, he emphasized that for the current conditions, the food stock in areas spread throughout Indonesia is still considered sufficient. In addition, indications of fraud have not been found.

"The condition or condition of food stock until the end of this year, basically everything is under control, both the availability and price," said Asep.