Ganjar Pranowo Was Surprised That His Birthday Made A Scene On Social Media

JAKARTA - The birthday of Ganjar Pranowo is exactly the same as the commemoration of the Youth Pledge. The Governor of Central Java did not think that his birthday had become a trending on social media.

"It's a bit crowded on social media today, I thought there was a lot of celebration of the Youth Pledge, it turned out to be the Youth Pledge and it was my birthday. Even though I'm old, I never have birthdays. Yes, it's fun for me, there are many relatives from other places who can come here. It's a surprise for me," said Ganjar at his official residence, Puri Gedeh, Thursday, October 28.

The anniversary of Ganjar's birthday was indeed a hot topic for netizens. Words after words continued to be given by netizens to the number one person in Central Java.

On Twitter, for example, the hashtag HUT53Ganjar has been echoing since this morning. Apart from netizens, a number of political figures and artists also congratulated Ganjar.

"Happy birthday, Mr. @ganjarpranowo," tweeted the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is also President Jokowi's son.

There is also Slank band, who conveyed their birthday wishes to Ganjar via video. In addition, a number of artists and public figures also said the same thing. Among them are Desta Mahendra, Nirina Zubir, Najwa Sihab, Roy Marten, and Gading Marten.

Ganjar also received surprises and special gifts from a number of regional figures in the archipelago. There was a Papuan mother who came to his official house. Coming alone, the woman named Mama Wati wanted to meet Ganjar in person, and gave him a special gift.

She gave a red and white knitted hat and mask to Ganjar. The hat and mask are her own handiwork. She also gave noken and typical Papuan batik.

"Because I gave the gift, I have a prayer. Mr. Ganjar cares about the small community. I gave a gift of my own work. That's my original knitted mask, hat and noken. I heard that it was Mr. Ganjar's birthday, so I immediately came here to give it a gift. Hopefully Mr. Ganjar will be the future of Indonesia," said Mama Wati.

The surprises didn't stop there. After Mama Wati, one after another a number of traditional leaders of the archipelago came to see Ganjar. They came with special gifts in the form of traditional clothes from their respective regions.

There were traditional leaders from Lampung, South Sulawesi, Banten and NTT who came to see Ganjar. One by one, they handed over the gifts of traditional clothes to Ganjar directly. Ganjar was so happy when he received and wore it.

The same thing was conveyed by Paulus, a traditional leader from Flores, and Estu Graha, a traditional leader from South Sulawesi. Both said that the gift of traditional clothing was given as a form of love and appreciation for Ganjar.

“We gave full traditional clothes to Mr. Ganjar because we were impressed with him. He is a leader who truly carries out the principles of Indonesia and diversity," said Estu.