PDIP Condemns The Throwing Of Molotov Cocktails At Its 2 Bases

JAKARTA - The West Java PDIP DPP has strongly condemned the throwing of Molotov cocktails at two of its party headquarters. So that the PDIP asked the police to investigate this case immediately.

"PDI Perjuangan strongly condemns the throwing of Molotov cocktails at the PAC PDI Perjuangan secretariat in Megamendung and Cileungsi Subdistricts, Bogor Regency," said Chairman of the West Java PDIP DPP, Ono Surono in an official statement, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 29.

West Java PDI Perjuangan, he said, instructed all cadres of Bogor Regency to put forward the legal process in uncovering this case. Not provoked by this action.

"As an ideological party that always adheres to Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI and Diversity, these acts of terror will not be able to dampen the fighting spirit of the PDI-P cadres," he said.

On this occasion he asked all cadres to be prepared to anticipate similar incidents. Namely by guarding every house and office of the party secretariat.

"Coordinate with government officials at the district, sub-district to village / sub-district levels," he said.

Previously, there was an action of throwing 3 Molotov cocktails at the cadre's house as well as the PDI Perjuangan Secretariat, Megamendung District, Bogor Regency on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 3:37 a.m.

Today there was another throwing of Molotov cocktails at the PDI Perjuangan Secretariat, Cileungsi District, Bogor Regency which is also the Home of PDI Perjuangan cadres, Deputy Chairman of Commission 4 DPRD Bogor Regency, Br. Mu'ad Kalim.