Jenius From BTPN Campaigns For The Importance Of Personal Data Security In The Digital Age

JAKARTA - The Jenius digital financial service from PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) encourages increased public literacy on the importance of maintaining the security of confidential personal data, especially in the digital era.

BTPN's Digital Banking Head, Irwan Tisnabudi, said that the security of customer data and funds is a non-negotiable priority for the company. For this reason, his party implements a layered security system to ensure the security of transactions and data storage.

"We also use international standard technology, layered data isolation and protection, and supervised by Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," he said in a webinar as well as the launch of the Jenius Safe Program, Thursday, October 26.

According to Irwan, several cases of fraud that were also experienced by Jenius customers were cyber crimes with social engineering mode.

"Therefore, through the launch of this program, we want to educate the public about the security of personal data so that they can avoid cyber crimes that continue to grow," he said.

As a concrete step, Irwan said BTPN has added several additional security measures to minimize the risk of account misuse.

"The addition of security measures includes a policy of one connected device, as well as closing login access on unlinked devices," he said.

On the same occasion, researcher and cyber security observer Teguh Aprianto explained that changes in people's behavior who are more familiar with technology in the current pandemic situation are not followed by public awareness in protecting personal data. This condition, of course, opens up opportunities for increased cybercrime that lurks users of digital platforms.

"As service users, especially in the digital realm, customers must also be more careful when receiving calls, short messages, or messages via social media claiming to be from certain banks requesting personal and confidential data or information," he explained.

Teguh warned not to click on a certain link of unknown origin in order to avoid potential crimes that might occur.

"Service providers are responsible for maintaining the security of customer data and funds, but customers also need to be vigilant to protect their own data so that it is not misused by irresponsible people," he stressed.

Meanwhile, BTPN's internal study stated that only 1 in 10 members of the public understand and are aware of the mode of social engineering cybercrime.

Then, it was found that 7 out of 10 people did not understand that the name and expiration date listed on the debit card is confidential information that is as important as other information, such as PIN, CVV number, and 16-digit card.

From the survey results, it was also found that out of 10 people, 5 of them had been contacted by cybercriminals, and 1 in 5 members of the community were deceived.