Beware Of The Third Wave Of COVID-19, Prevent It With Prokes Discipline!

JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, said discipline in implementing health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands, keeping distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility can prevent the third wave of COVID-19.

"We must continue to anticipate that every long holiday, there is a holiday accompanied by high community mobility, accompanied by low community discipline towards Prokes, usually it will make cases in the community increase again," said Reisa in a virtual discussion that was followed from Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

Reisa said that people should not be euphoric when the COVID-19 case in Indonesia is sloping. The community is invited to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols to maintain and even reduce existing conditions.

According to him, the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening and the virus continues to mutate. So the only way to prevent the spread of new virus variants that could be more dangerous and spread quickly is with Prokes discipline.

"Although the cases have decreased now, our discipline in implementing Prokes and vaccinations must continue to run well. With this habit, the situation will continue to be maintained until the pandemic can end and become a new culture in preventing new diseases," said Reisa.

In addition, to prevent the entry of new variants, 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment) must be carried out strictly, along with the relaxation of the opening of a number of public facilities.

The government's decision to impose strict screening, such as having to carry out PCR for air travellers, is to mitigate as early as possible to prevent the third wave of COVID-19 from occurring in Indonesia.

Likewise, activities in public spaces must be screened through PeduliLindung. Reisa said, the increasing wave of COVID-19 in the middle of the year should be a lesson.

"What we have faced this year and a half is a lesson so that there will not be a wave of increase like last June," he said.