There Are 24 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Bangka

BANGKA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, stated that there were 24 active cases of COVID-19 in the area. They are spread over six districts.

"The number of active cases recorded until today is 24 people spread across six sub-districts from eight sub-districts in Bangka Regency," said Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesman Boy Yandra in Sungailiat, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

Dozens of active cases, he said, came from Belinyu sub-district one case, Merawang two cases and Pemali one case, Puding Besar sub-district there were two active cases, Riau Silip 12 people and in Sungailiat district six active cases.

"The two sub-districts that have no active cases are Bakam District and West Mendo District," he said.

Based on data from the COVID-19 case in Bangka Regency, the total number of cases was 9,784 people, 9,400 people were declared cured and 360 people died.

"Active cases recorded as many as 24 people have decreased compared to the previous few days which reached 32 people," he said.

The spread of the new type of corona virus in Bangka Regency continues to slop, but must remain disciplined in implementing health protocols and be willing to be injected with vaccines for those who have not received vaccination services.

The realization of the first dose of vaccine has reached 54.97 percent or 140,260 people from the target target of 255,161 people and the second dose of 35.39 percent or 35.39 percent.