There Is Karni Ilyas's Son In The LRT's Board Of Commissioners

JAKARTA - The accident of the Jabodebek light rail transit (LRT) on the Jagorawi Toll Road, Cipayung, East Jakarta has attracted a lot of attention. This incident shows that the LRT management is not ready to manage and launch this type of transportation mode even though the company's management is filled with a series of high-profile names.

One of them is Romy Bareno, the son of Karni Ilyas who has been serving as Commissioner since April 16, 2021, and Mohamad Aprindy as President Commissioner.

In the dissection, there are Wijanarko as President Director, Adrian Rusmana as Director of Finance and Business Development, and G. Indarto Wibisono who serves as Director of Operations and Maintenance.

A member of Commission V of the DPR RI from the PKS faction, Sigit Sosiantomo even asked the government not to grant an operational permit before the technical requirements and the feasibility of the LRT train infrastructure and facilities were met.

"A thorough technical investigation, both on the infrastructure and facilities of the LRT train, must be carried out to determine the cause of this accident. This includes the possibility of human error considering that this train is still in the testing phase," said Sigit, in a written statement, Tuesday, October 26.

He added that Article 175 paragraph (1) of Law no. 23/2007 on Railways, mandates inspection and research on the causes in the event of a train accident. This needs to be done by the government by establishing/assigning an agency.

Meanwhile, based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 62/2013 concerning Transportation Accident Investigation, the investigation is carried out by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT).

Regarding this incident, Sigit reminded the government to ensure that the technical requirements and the feasibility of the LRT train facilities and infrastructure are met before obtaining a full operating permit.

"Technical requirements and feasibility must be met for the LRT train facilities and infrastructure before the government grants an operating permit. Don't because you are chasing operational deadlines, technical requirements and feasibility are ignored," said Sigit.

Based on the Railway Law, railway infrastructure and facilities must meet technical requirements and operational feasibility before obtaining an operating permit. In order to fulfill the technical requirements and guarantee the operation worthiness of the railway facilities, testing and inspection must be carried out.

Testing of railway infrastructure and facilities as carried out by the government and can be delegated to legal entities or institutions that are accredited by the government.

Previously, the Director of PT INKA Budi Novintoro stated that the collision occurred when the trial process was almost complete. Currently, an investigation is still underway which will determine the next step.

"We are in the process of testing the LRT and almost finishing dynamic testing," said Budi. Openly, Budi and the board of directors of PT INKA apologized for the LRT collision.

"On behalf of the President Director and the directors of PT INKA, I apologize to all parties. So this is initial information, I will report it later. If there is more detail, I will report it," he said.