TNI Commander Orders His Staff To Beware Of Potential Spike In COVID-19

JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI, Hadi Tjahjanto, ordered all TNI ranks to be aware of the potential spike in COVID-19 cases due to increased community mobility, implementation of face-to-face learning, Christmas holidays, and the 2022 New Year.

The TNI commander said this while chairing an internal online meeting related to handling the pandemic with the chiefs of staff of the armed forces, the main officials of the TNI Headquarters, the army headquarters, commanders, and unit commanders, Tuesday.

This is in line with President Joko Widodo's direction in a limited meeting the day before. Therefore, the TNI Commander asked all ranks of the TNI to continue to oversee community discipline in implementing health protocols.

"Discipline of health protocols is the main weapon in handling the pandemic. It is proven that in developed countries that are negligent in implementing strict health protocols, there has been a spike in cases of the third and fourth waves", said Marshal Hadi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 26.

The TNI Commander said vaccination was the focus, especially in agglomeration areas and homecoming and tourist destinations, areas that will host major events, and provinces where vaccination achievements are still lacking.

"The time that is less than two months before Christmas and the 2022 New Year (Nataru) must be used as well as possible to optimize the vaccination", he said.

The same applies to vaccinations for students and the elderly because so far the achievements have not been in line with the expected targets, he said.

"For this reason, all ranks of the TNI are ordered to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate with all relevant parties in the regions to prepare good planning and anticipation for Christmas and New Year 2022", said the TNI Commander.

Marshal Hadi asked to optimize existing efforts so that Indonesia does not experience the third wave.

"If Indonesia can't avoid the third wave, at least it won't be a tsunami wave that can cause a spike in mortality and patient severity", said Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.