20 Villages Submerged By Floods In Aceh Jaya District

JAKARTA - Floods with a water level of 20-100 centimeters submerged at least 20 villages in Aceh Jaya District, Aceh Province.

According to a report by the Aceh Province Disaster Management Agency (BPBA), the flood occurred as a result of an overflow of rivers after heavy rain flushed most of Aceh Jaya since Monday, July 27.

The 20 villages include Babah Dua Village, Baro Village, Lamteungoh Village, Panton Krueng Village, Ujong Rimba Village, Paya Santet Village and Masen Village in Darul Hikmah District.

Then Gunong Mantok Village, Panton Krueng Village, Alue Pande Village, Gunong Buloh Village and Alue Abet Village in Panga District.

Furthermore, Gampong Baroh Village, Sapek Village, Gle Subak Village, Lhok Bot Village and Pante Kuyun Village in Setia Bakti District.

In addition, there are Alue Tho Village and Curek Village in Krueng Sabee District and Alue Gro Village in Sampoiniet District.

"From the interim report, 553 families / 1,060 people were affected by the flood, with details of 229 families / 448 people in Darul Hikmah District, then 232 families / 336 people in Krueng Sabee District and 92 families / 276 people in Setia Bakti District and other areas. in data collection, "said Head of Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center of BNPB Raditya Jati, Tuesday, July 28.

Meanwhile, the Quick Response Team (TRC) and the Center for Control and Operations (Pusdalops) of the Aceh Jaya District Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) are still conducting rapid assessments, evacuating residents and coordinating with relevant agencies.

Based on previous forecasts and weather warnings from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds / tornadoes has the potential to occur in Aceh from Monday 27 July to Tuesday 28 July. Therefore, caution is needed regarding potential disasters that can be triggered by these weather factors.

"There needs to be awareness of the potential for landslides at the top and flash floods in the lowlands downstream, either in the eastern or western parts of the Bukit Barisan Mountains," explained BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati.

Furthermore, the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) also requested that regional policy makers and the community always coordinate and take preventive measures, so that the bad impacts of potential disaster threats can be minimized.

Apart from Aceh, other areas that must be vigilant according to BMKG are North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau Islands, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Maluku, Maluku, West Papua and Papua.