OJK Brings Unfavorable News, 2,539 Bank Branch Offices Close Due To Digitization

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) recorded a decline in the bank office network of 2,593 branch offices within 5 years due to the acceleration of digitalization transformation.

"Regarding the acceleration of digitalization transformation, the phenomenon of the decline in bank office networks from 2017 to August 2021, a number of 2,593 offices experienced a decline," said Deputy Commissioner for Banking Supervision I OJK Teguh Supangkat at the virtual launch of the Blueprint for Digital Banking Transformation, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 26 October.

In addition, continued Teguh, there was an increase in mobile banking and internet transactions by more than 300 percent from 2016 to August 2021, including internet banking transactions which increased by almost 50 percent.

"In addition, what has increased significantly is that electronic money transactions from 2015 to 2020 have increased by almost 40 percent from Rp5.28 trillion to Rp204.9 trillion," he said.

Not only that, an increase also occurred in the realization of electronic banking services and digital banking services. In 2018 there were 85 services realized, then in 2019 there were 112 services realized, and in 2020 there were 124 electronic banking services and digital banking services.

"This includes increasing digital on boarding services where there are 18 banks that have served digital on boarding services without face to face," said Teguh.

He further said that by 2025, Indonesia has the potential to have the highest growth e-commerce in the ASEAN region with a value of Rp. 124 billion US dollars. This is supported by a large market potential and increasing digital financial transactions.

Teguh also revealed that the total annual average loss experienced by the financial services sector globally due to cyber attacks reached around 100 million US dollars. In addition to data from the National Cyber and Crypto Agency which states that there have been 741.4 million cyber attacks, an increase of almost double compared to attacks in 2020 which amounted to 459.3 million attacks.

"Because of this, with digital transformation, like it or not, we have to prepare risk management related to these cyber attacks," he explained.

As for seizing strong opportunities from digitalization to achieve national banking that is resilient, competitive and competitive, OJK has prepared a more comprehensive banking development strategy as outlined in the 2020-2025 Indonesian Banking Development Roadmap. The roadmap is a foothold in the development of the banking industry ecosystem and infrastructure for banking regulation, supervision and licensing in the future.