Conglomerate Companies Arifin Panigoro And Anthony Salim Are Getting More Sticky, Cooperation To Sell Electricity To Singapore

JAKARTA - A subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Tbk (MEDC), PT Medco Power, together with the Consortium PacificLight Power Pte Ltd (PLP) and Gallant Venture Ltd, which are part of the Salim Group, plans to export electricity based on Solar Power Plants (PLTS) to Singapore. .

Meanwhile, this collaboration includes the development of a pilot project for the export of electricity from Bulan Island, Riau Islands Province after receiving a Principle Permit to import electricity from the Energy Market Authority (EMA) of Singapore.

Medco Power CEO Eka Satria explained that this project has a capacity of 670 MWp as an initial stage, which will provide electricity equivalent to 100 MW non-intermittent to Singapore. This is in line with the Singapore Government's plan to implement the Singapore Green Plan 2030 program to increase the share of renewable energy.

Eka continued, his party as an Independent Power Producer (IPP) has experience in developing NRE. For this reason, this collaboration is also a commitment to the company's EBT development.

"We welcome the collaboration with PLP and the Salim Group in developing the Pulau Bulan PLTS Project. For Indonesia, this project will bring many benefits, including increasing investment in the EBT sector, increasing employment opportunities and related industries," said Eka in a written statement, quoted Tuesday 26 October.

The consortium has signed a Joint Development Agreement during the Singapore International Energy Week event on October 25, 2021 which was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the Minister of Manpower/Second Minister of Trade and Industry, the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, and Chief EMA Executives.

Meanwhile, CEO of Medco Energi, Roberto Lorato, said that this project is Medco Energi's commitment to climate change.

"There is also a plan to develop a renewable energy portfolio," said Roberto.