County Police Chief Nunukan North Kalimantan Went Viral! Kicked Police Members Down, Immediately Deactivated By Regional Police Chief

NUNUKAN - North Kalimantan Regional Police Chief Inspector General Bambang Kristiyono deactivated Nunukan County Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant Syaiful Anwar in connection with the case of kicking a member of the Nunukan Police Headquarters which went viral on social media.

"Yes, the Police Chief ordered the Head of Propam to conduct an initial check on the Nunukan Police Chief and the members who were beaten," said Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Grand Commissioner Budi Rachmat in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 26.

Then the Head of Human Resource Unit of the North Kalimantan Police was asked to make a letter of deactivation of the Tarakan Police Chief during the examination period.

"If proven (guilty), it will be processed further. Regarding TR, the order of the Regional Police Chief is cancelled," said Budi.

He said the letter of deactivation of the Nunukan Police Chief would be issued on Tuesday, October 26 today.

This case is crowded and circulated on social media with a 43-second video. It appears that the incident occurred in a room allegedly in the Nunukan Police Hall. The police chief kicked the member to the ground.

At that time the police officers were near the hall table. The police chief in the video kicked the police officer down on the floor. A number of police officers approached, but the Chief of Police continued to kick.