It Turns Out That WHO Has Not Recommended Vaccines For Children 12 Years And Under

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the handling of COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, said that the World Health Organization or WHO has so far not recommended a vaccine for children 12 years and under.

"For vaccines 12 years and under, it is already available in several countries, but in Indonesia because WHO has not decided to allow it, we follow the recommendations and regulations from there," he said in Solo, Central Java, quoted Saturday, October 23.

He said vaccines under 12 years of age are still waiting for adequate research subjects.

"If the BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency) wants to comply with standards, the important thing is safety and effectiveness. If these two have been fulfilled, then it can be launched, but so far there has been no 'technical trial'," he said.

Thus, he said, there is currently no recommended vaccine for children under 12 years old.

Meanwhile, when he mentioned the emergence of COVID-19 clusters in a number of schools, he said, local governments must intensify 3Ts, namely tracing, testing, and treating the environment around children.

"Health protocols must also be tightened again, remember that we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, so health protocols are still the main priority," he said.

He said that until now the problem was still parents who were ignorant by not wearing masks on their children.

"I often see parents wearing masks, children not wearing masks. After all, health care is basic, health care for children must be familiarized, especially with PTM. People around children must have been vaccinated so that children can get protection from the people around them. Remember, children are not superman who are immune to COVID-19," said Reisa Broto Asmoro.