Erick Thohir: The Quality Of Santri In Indonesia Will Make Our Sharia Economy The Largest In The World
JAKARTA - The chairman of the Islamic Economic Community (MES) who is also the Minister of SOEs is optimistic that the quality of Indonesian students will lead the national sharia economy to become the largest in the world. Erick said, santri are one of the main pillars that are able to drive the growth of the sharia economy in Indonesia.
Moreover, said Erick, history has recorded many students who have now succeeded in becoming professionals and government officials. They have the knowledge and spiritual provisions that can help Indonesia achieve its target of becoming the largest sharia economic player in the world.
"In accordance with the target and the president's directive that Indonesia's sharia economy must be the largest in the world, the role of santri is very large. Santri with intellectual and spiritual insight have been proven to produce superior quality resources. Together we will continue to encourage the involvement of santri as motors sharia economy," he said at the Commemoration of Santri Day and the Launching of the New Logo of the Sharia Economic Community, Friday, October 22.
For this reason, said Erick, MES will continue to synergize with Islamic boarding schools and Islamic economic institutions to continue to encourage the growth of the national sharia sector. He believes that collaboration and synergy between stakeholders can become the foundation for creating a grounded and inclusive sharia economy.
"What the President said is important. How can the sharia economy become an economic locomotive that is grounded, touches the people's economy, and drives an inclusive economy, and gives birth to many entrepreneurs, mainly from the santri community," he said.
Furthermore, Erick also admitted that he was optimistic that Islamic economic innovation in the field of technology would be intensified by involving students as the perpetrators. With that, pesantren institutions have the potential to create a digital sharia economic ecosystem.
"We think that the current technological era has opened up great opportunities for students to perform. Alhamdulillah, many of our pesantren are now equipped with facilities and provide their students with education related to information technology," he said.
On that occasion, Erick considered that the commemoration of Santri Day this time was a shared momentum to continue the legacy of KH Hasyim Asyari's thoughts which always outlined the importance of morals as a scientific foundation. With the provision of morals that support intellectually and spiritually, Erick believes that students will become superior human beings who are able to compete on the global stage.
"This example from Hadratussyaikh KH Hasyim Asyari is an inspiration across ages. This spirit is what we must carry out in every day. Not only applies to students, but also to all of us as the key to success," he said.
Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) encourages more students to appear as entrepreneurs, especially in the digital sector.
"We must encourage the emergence of more entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs from among students and graduates of Islamic boarding schools," said Jokowi.
Jokowi said that the orientation of santri today is no longer to find work, but to create job opportunities and spread wider benefits. Therefore, the role of education in Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, and Islamic higher education is very strategic.
"Producing innovative and entrepreneurial graduates, producing graduates who are able to compete in the job market, and become successful social entrepreneurs," he explained.
In addition, Jokowi also reminded that the growing entrepreneurial spirit must be followed by the acceleration of financial inclusion. Therefore, the government has prepared various financing schemes to support the growth of new entrepreneurs.
"I hope that pesantren and their students can take advantage of these various financing programs properly so that pesantren and their students can play a greater role in strengthening the people's economy," he said.