Haru! Edo Kondologit's Moment Teared Up When He Said When Again To Have A President As Good As Jokowi, It Would Be Extraordinary To Wake Up Papua

JAKARTA - A video clip of the confession of a singer from Papua, Edo Kondologit after the opening of the XX PON at the Lukas Enembe Main Stadium, has gone viral. With teary eyes, Edo said when again Indonesia will have a state leader as good as Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Edo is one of the singers who performed when the PON in Papua was opened. Besides Edo lined up with artists from Earth of Cendrawasih such as Michael J and Nowela Idol.

"So touched, we are part of history. We have to show that this is the moment we (we) have to rise up," said Edo in a video clip uploaded to the Twitter account @_anakKolong, reported Friday, October 22.

"We are very grateful, we have a good president. We don't know when we will get a good president like him," added Edo while wiping his tears.

Especially for Papua, Edo admitted that Jokowi's 'cold hand' had been felt by the community. And, especially, this development has never been felt in the previous government.

"I am sad that we have been left behind for decades. We are far behind. And when it was in his era, we were built with extraordinary things. So I am very touched. We are very grateful that we have a very good president," said Edo.

Edo also ignited the spirit of Papuans to rise up. School well, work well so that Papua can be known.

"Once we are Papuans, when we wake up, you know, don't think like that. Come on, wake up, study well, work properly, let's wake up Papua," said Edo accompanied by Nowela.

At a glance, the opening of the PON at the Lukas Enembe Main Stadium was held on Saturday, October 2 at around 9.00 WIT or 17.00 WIB. At that time, Edo performed the song "I am Papua".

The event was also filled with contingent parades from 34 provinces in Indonesia. The opening ceremony was also attended by President Joko Widodo.