Highest COVID-19 Death Rate In The City Of Surabaya In Indonesia

JAKARTA - Member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team, Dewi Nur Aisyah, stated that the city of Surabaya is the area with the highest death rate of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia.

In data analysis as of July 26, 2020, the death rate in Surabaya reached 803 cases. Meanwhile, the accumulation of COVID-19 cases reached 8,089 cases. Surabaya is the city with the most COVID-19 cases in East Java.

"If we see, 60 percent of East Java cases come from just one city, namely Surabaya, while there are 38 regencies and cities," said Dewi in a discussion at Graha BNPB, Monday, July 27.

In addition, the high mortality rate after Surabaya was in Semarang City with 289 cases, Makassar City with 214 deaths, Central Jakarta with 180 deaths, East Jakarta with 156 deaths.

Then, South Jakarta with 150 deaths, West Jakarta with 149 fatalities, Sidoarjo Regency with 140 deaths, Banjarmasin City with 122 deaths, and North Jakarta with 118 deaths.

Meanwhile, if you look at the mortality rate per 100 thousand population in a district / city, Surabaya is also the highest region, namely 27.22 per 100 thousand population.

The next area is Banjarmasin City which has a mortality rate of 18.20 per 100 thousand population, Manado City 18.17 per 100 thousand population, Palangkaraya City 17.94 per 100 thousand population, Semarang City 17.26 per 100 thousand population, and Central Jakarta. with 15.67 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Meanwhile, districts / cities with the lowest mortality rates are in Cianjur with 0.04 per 100 thousand population. Followed by Tasikmalaya with 0.06 per 100 thousand population, Tegal with 0.06 per 100 thousand population. Then, Pemalang, Serang, and Central Lampung with 0.07 each per 100 thousand inhabitants.

"If we talk about the number of cases, it could be that regions a and b have the same number of cases, but the population is different. So, we have to look at the number of cases from the population as well," said Dewi.

Furthermore, Dewi said that there are 46 percent of cities and regencies out of a total of 514 that do not have a death rate due to COVID-19. Then, there are 15.17 percent of regions that have a death rate of 1 person.

Then, there are 16.6 percent have a mortality rate of 2 to 10 people. Then, there are 12.88 percent who have a death rate above 10 people.

"We do have to look at Indonesia more broadly that in fact there are differences in each region. This is what underlies the distribution of regional risk zoning," said Dewi.