Sri Mulyani's Subordinate Brings Good News: The Government Provides Debt Relief For 1.292 Small Debtors And MSMEs Worth IDR 20.4 Billion

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reports that the debt relief program for small debtors and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has reached a value of IDR 20.48 billion. This figure is a record until October 15, 2021, which was given to 1.292 debtors.

In detail, the debtors in question consist of 113 MSME actors, 226 student education assistance contributions (SPP), 381 hospital patients, and 572 other debtors.

Director of Legal and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani said the debt relief program will end in December 2021.

"Therefore, debtors who meet the criteria still have the opportunity to apply for debt relief at the nearest State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL)," she said via a virtual channel, Friday, October 22.

In her explanation, Tri explained that debtors who received debt relief were debtors whose receivables management had been submitted to the State Receivables Affairs Committee (PUPN) no later than December 31, 2021.

Meanwhile, the criteria that must be met are:

1. Individuals or legal entities/business entities that run businesses on a micro, small or medium-scale (MSMEs) with a maximum credit limit of IDR 5 billion

2. Individuals who receive mortgages for simple/very simple houses (KPR RS/RSS) with a maximum credit limit of IDR 100 million

3. Individuals or legal entities/business entities up to the remaining liabilities of IDR 1 billion

"Debtors who are supported by collateral in the form of land or land and buildings are entitled to debt relief of 35 percent of the remaining principal debt. Meanwhile, debtors who are not supported by collateral in the form of land or land and buildings are entitled to debt relief of 60 percent of the remaining principal debt," she said.

In addition, Tri said that if the debtor is able to make repayments from October to December 20, 2021, then he is entitled to an additional 20 percent relief from the remaining principal debt after being granted relief.

"In addition to relief in the form of reducing the remaining principal debt, debtors who experience bad debts due to the pandemic can apply for relief in the form of a confiscation moratorium, postponement of the auction until the COVID-19 national disaster status is revoked," Tri concluded.