Socialization Of The Independent Learning Program For The Independent Campus, Minister Of Education And Technology Nadiem Encourages Campus To Innovate
SURABAYA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, held a meeting with campus representatives throughout East Java. Nadiem socializes the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.
"Frankly, they told me that changes keep happening. I said, let's make a program. I have also had a dialogue with all the Chancellors of State and Private Universities, as well as all lecturers", said Nadiem when he was present at the 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Thursday, October 21.
Nadiem encourages universities to dare to change and continue to innovate. Nadiem also appreciated the various programs that have been carried out by PTN and PTS in Indonesia.
"I also encourage students to dare to take to the field. For example, two semesters of study outside the study program, three semesters off-campus", he said.
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Nadiem said that East Java had the largest student participation in the MBKM program. The majority of MBKM programs carried out by universities in East Java are in the fields of innovation and research.
"I see data from East Java, student participation is large. I want to see East Java be a pioneer in creating programs. Don't wait for the government to move. You have to make programs", he said.
Nadiem stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture is ready to budget for programs proposed by universities. He hopes that many programs are proposed.
"We are ready to provide program funds if someone submits it", he said.