One COVID-19 Patient Escapes From Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital

JAKARTA - One positive patient with COVID-19 escaped from the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital (RSD), Kemayoran, Jakarta. The patient is named Suyanto (39).

"(Patient) On behalf of Suyanto, male, 39 years old (run away)," said Head of Information for Kogabwilhan I Marine Colonel Aris Mudian in an official statement reported by Antara, Jakarta, Saturday, July 25.

Aris said, Suyanto tested positive for COVID-19 from the results of the first swab test and escaped from the treatment room at Tower A 1007.

However, Aris did not explain further about the chronology of the patient who was an entrepreneur.

These patients were included in the patient data discharged at Wisma Atlet Hospital, Jakarta, as of Saturday (25/7) at 08.00 WIB, out of a total of 5,484 patients.

"There were 5,484 patients discharged, consisting of 186 patients who were referred to other hospitals (RS), 5,294 patients recovered, three patients died, and one patient escaped," he said.

The data is a recapitulation of patients leaving Wisma Atlet Hospital from 23 March to 25 July 2020, out of 7,964 registered patients.

For patients who are hospitalized, currently there are 1,597 people, consisting of 933 men and 664 women with details of 1,574 confirmed positive patients and 23 suspected COVID-19 patients.

Meanwhile, the Special Hospital for Infection (RSKI) Galang Island, Riau Islands, currently there are 25 patients who are hospitalized, consisting of 17 men and eight women.

"Of that number, as many as three people were confirmed positive for COVID-19, while 22 patients were suspected of COVID-19," said Aris.

From the recapitulation of patient data from April 12 to July 25 2020 at 08.00 WIB, there were 470 registered patients, while 443 patients returned home.

The details of the discharged patients, namely 186 patients recovered, 255 suspected patients finished undergoing treatment, and two patients had to be referred to another hospital.