Her House Changes Its Function, Gli The Cat Remains A Resident Of Hagia Sophia

JAKARTA - Gli is one of the most famous cats in the world with thousands of followers on Instagram, almost as famous as his house, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey.

The change in status of the Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque has left Turks wondering whether Gli should move.

The striped cat with green eyes is a favorite of visitors, including former US President Barack Obama, who was caught petting him while visiting there in 2009.

As reported by Antara, Saturday, July 25, local authorities confirmed that Hagia Sophia could remain Gli's home.

Ibrahim Kalin, a spokesman for President Tayyip Erdogan, said that Gli, as well as other cats in the area, would remain there.

"This cat has become famous, and there are many other cats that are not as well known. The cat will still be here, and all the cats are welcomed into our mosque," he said.

That's good news for Umut Bahceci, the tour guide who started creating an Instagram account for Gli four years ago who now has more than 48,000 followers. The account is filled with photos of cats, some of them tagged by tourists who meet Gli.

"I started to notice Gli whenever I went (to the Hagia Sophia) because Gli was posing in front of people like a model," he told Reuters.

"I got messages like, 'Gli, we're going to Istanbul to see you.' It feels good. "

The Hagia Sophia was a cathedral for 900 years before it was captured by the Ottomans and served as a mosque until 1934.

Furthermore, the Hagia Sophia served as a museum for 86 years.

On July 10, a Turkish court overturned a 1934 Cabinet edict turning the Hagia Sophia into a museum, paving the way for it to be reused as a mosque after an 86-year gap.